  • Iron Forge
  • The ancient, weathered Iron Forge is perhaps the greatest titan artifact ever unearthed. The dwarves do not use this holy anvil, but keep it near their honored dead and the seat of their power in the Hall of Thanes. As the dwarves uncover more truths of their ancestry, they will likely find greater uses for the Iron Forge. The titans must have given the artifact to the dwarves for a reason.
  • The ancient, weathered Iron Forge is perhaps the greatest titan artifact ever unearthed. The dwarves do not use this holy anvil, but keep it near their honored dead and the seat of their power in the Hall of Thanes. As the dwarves uncover more truths of their ancestry, they will likely find greater uses for the Iron Forge. The titans must have given the artifact to the dwarves for a reason. The Ironforge is also the name of a great forge built by the earthen to honor Khaz'Goroth. This forge survives to this day, although many improvements have been made upon it over the years. The city of Ironforge is named after this edifice.