  • The Cook (Life of Pi)
  • The Cook is a french man who was serving food to the people boarding the Tsitsumu, the japanese cargo ship that was carrying animals ready to be sold by Santosh Patel and his family, as one of his sons, Pi, serves as the main protagonist. When the Patel family was served dinner, Santosh's wife, Gita reminds the cook that she and her sons were vegetarian, despite the fact that what she was served was meat, rice & gravy. The Cook makes a joke that the pigs and cows that made the pork were vegetarian, but then only makes a rude insult by saying that she can make their own meal. A riot forms between Santosh & the Cook, supposedly resulting the cook being the victor as the Patel family eats dinner in silence.
  • The Cook is a french man who was serving food to the people boarding the Tsitsumu, the japanese cargo ship that was carrying animals ready to be sold by Santosh Patel and his family, as one of his sons, Pi, serves as the main protagonist. When the Patel family was served dinner, Santosh's wife, Gita reminds the cook that she and her sons were vegetarian, despite the fact that what she was served was meat, rice & gravy. The Cook makes a joke that the pigs and cows that made the pork were vegetarian, but then only makes a rude insult by saying that she can make their own meal. A riot forms between Santosh & the Cook, supposedly resulting the cook being the victor as the Patel family eats dinner in silence. That same night, a horrific storm hits and the Cook is put on a lifeboat, ready to escape what would be the sinking of the Tsitsumu. When Pi is put on the same lifeboat as the Cook, he is ready to lower the boat with the ropes. Pi raises the ropes to save his family and while doing so, the Cook trips and falls to what is supposedly his demise. The ship sinks to the depths of the ocean, drowning Pi's family and everyone on board as Pi escapes the crash with an injured zebra, Orange Juice (an Orangutan) and Richard Parker (a Bengal Tiger that Pi seems to favorite) and a crazy hyena.