  • Laura Watts
  • Laura came to Lytton City Jail when Sonny Bonds apprehended Art Serabian and told him that a position has opened in the Narcotics Division. According to Lt. Morgan it would be filled by a veteran street cop and told Bonds to submit a memo. After arresting Jason Taselli, Laura welcomed Bonds in the Narcotics Division and showed him around. She also told him that he was about to get a bail and told Bonds to justify a No Bail Warrant from Judge Kim Palmer. Soon after, they two went to the Lytton City Park and arrested Donald Colby and Victor Simms. Eventually she was retired.
  • Laura came to Lytton City Jail when Sonny Bonds apprehended Art Serabian and told him that a position has opened in the Narcotics Division. According to Lt. Morgan it would be filled by a veteran street cop and told Bonds to submit a memo. After arresting Jason Taselli, Laura welcomed Bonds in the Narcotics Division and showed him around. She also told him that he was about to get a bail and told Bonds to justify a No Bail Warrant from Judge Kim Palmer. Soon after, they two went to the Lytton City Park and arrested Donald Colby and Victor Simms. According to Laura's personnel file in PQ2, she was in fact the infamous Gremlin who played pranks on Sergeant John Dooley in PQ1, such as putting mace on memos he would read, or putting a hen in his office. He threatened to notify Internal Affairs to start an investigation. "When I find out who the little weasel is, you'd better believe that he or she will be walking a footbeat from the river all the way to Joe's Junkyard". Eventually she was caught red-handed making chicken tracks across the top of his desk with a rubber stamp. She was sustained and wrote an apology and reprimand. Eventually she was retired.