  • Earl Oakton
  • Earl Oakton is a minor character in Syphon Filter 3. He appears in Teresa Lipan's flashback during her time as an ATF agent in the early 1990s. He was the leader of the Foundation to Inhibit State Treason (F.I.S.T.), a survivalist militia organization based in Western Montana. In the early 1990s, a satellite which contained important top-secret data crashed in a mountainous forest area near Paradise, in northwestern Montana. Earl Oakton managed to recover the data, which Floyd, one of his followers, hid in a deer head in the militia compound. Because of this, Earl Oakton and his militia followers were involved in a conspiracy where the NSA attempted to retrieve the data and kill anyone who has it, including anyone who even knows or heard about its existence. NSA agents, posing as FBI, even
  • Earl Oakton is a minor character in Syphon Filter 3. He appears in Teresa Lipan's flashback during her time as an ATF agent in the early 1990s. He was the leader of the Foundation to Inhibit State Treason (F.I.S.T.), a survivalist militia organization based in Western Montana. In the early 1990s, a satellite which contained important top-secret data crashed in a mountainous forest area near Paradise, in northwestern Montana. Earl Oakton managed to recover the data, which Floyd, one of his followers, hid in a deer head in the militia compound. Because of this, Earl Oakton and his militia followers were involved in a conspiracy where the NSA attempted to retrieve the data and kill anyone who has it, including anyone who even knows or heard about its existence. NSA agents, posing as FBI, eventually held Oakton under custody in the impact site (just outside of his militia compound) and interrogated him where he hid the data. Oakton refused to cooperate, telling the agents that he doesn't cooperate with federal agents. He was executed in cold-blood when Teresa Lipan attempts to stop the NSA agents. He is survived by his wife, Debbie Oakton (who was pregnant with his child at the time of his death) and his son Dusty Oakton. Both family members were eventually rescued by Teresa and Gabriel Logan. He had a rather thick Southern accent like many of his militia followers. He only appears in the Paradise Ridge level in Syphon Filter 3, but was also mentioned several times in the subsequent levels, Militia Compound and Underground Bunker. He appears as a standard militia member, with the militia's signature clothing and black cap.