  • The Solar System
  • The solar system
  • The Solar System is a system of solars. The Solar System is a series of planets that just kicked Pluto out of its club because they thought it was gay. Yeah, pretty cruel. So now their is only eight people at the party. Hmm, who's next?
  • The Solar System consists an average star called the sun. It also includes the following planets (in order based upon the distances from the sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (though it isn't really considered as a planet).
  • The Solar System is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • The solar system consists of: * The Sun * Planets and dwarf planets which orbit around the Sun. These are all kept in orbit by the Sun's gravity. The orbits are almost circular, contrary to most diagrams. * Satellites (moons) which orbit planets, kept in orbit around the planet by the planet's gravity. * Comets and asteroids which orbit the Sun.
  • The sun is orbited by a few giant orb-like things called planets. * Mercury - A rock. The Doctor once left a vampire there or something. * Venus - If Earth were hell (so basically Earth). A type of karate and lullaby originate from there. * Earth - Filled with war, famine, idiot presidents and vain pop stars, and orbited by a dragon egg, it's the Doctor's favourite place in the universe. Home to h00manz and sleepy green lizards. * Mars - The red planet, which humans plan on laying waste to once they've finished shitting all over their own planet. Apparently home to a lot of dangerous fellows, like the other sleepy green lizards and evil water. * Jupiter - A ball of gas with storms and moons and shit. Visited in a shit video game. * Saturn - Remembered for having a rin
  • The planetary system at the center of which the Sun is located is called "the solar system". (Note that this denotes a different sun and solar system than people on Earth refer to.) Apart from its star, the solar system houses 46 planets (many of which possess one or more moons) as well as two asteroid belts, one around the inner solar system and one along the system's edges.
  • The Solar System Is in The Milky Way Galaxy There are a total of 54 billion 1 hundred thousand (54,000,100,000) Languages spoken in the Solar System. Every planet In the Solar System has Life and there are numerous countries spread over them. The Most Powerful Countries are listed below: The Solar System may be confused with The Dolar System or The Dollar System.
  • Science
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Wiki title
  • The Solar System
request name
  • solarsystem
request category
  • Science
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Request ID
  • 15007
request created
  • 2009-04-06
  • en
  • Allstrak
  • The Solar System Is in The Milky Way Galaxy There are a total of 54 billion 1 hundred thousand (54,000,100,000) Languages spoken in the Solar System. Every planet In the Solar System has Life and there are numerous countries spread over them. The Most Powerful Countries are listed below: 1. * Earth Greater Empire 2. * Lunar Colony 164 3. * Roman Empire 4. * Northern Finland 5. * Aifmeonewaigofnofguhhnofgobby 6. * North Of England 7. * Lunar Colony 1 8. * Lunar Colony 386 9. * The Great Martian Empire 10. * Peru 11. * USSA 12. * Aisle Of White 13. * 東面 アジア 植民地 Of 明星 ・天の原 (also Known As Venus) 14. * Ubigugrinownipopewarlusia The Solar System may be confused with The Dolar System or The Dollar System.
  • The planetary system at the center of which the Sun is located is called "the solar system". (Note that this denotes a different sun and solar system than people on Earth refer to.) Apart from its star, the solar system houses 46 planets (many of which possess one or more moons) as well as two asteroid belts, one around the inner solar system and one along the system's edges. The Sun is a comparably large and hot star. As a result, the habitable zone begins over 3 AU away from it. Eight planets lie close to the system's habitable zone, two of which are gas giants, the other six - often referred to as "the Six" - being rocky planets with atmospheres. Ghara is the only habitable planet among the Six, although the colonization of more planets is underway and humans live on Ghara's moons as well as Femus, Lor and Drovia. From closest to furthest from the Sun, the Six are: Ghara, Femus, Oyo, Lor, Drovia and Finnstra. The following paragraphs will give an overview over the most important, i.e. inhabited celestial bodies in the solar system. Oyo and Finnstra aren't mentioned because they have not yet been colonized for different reasons. Note that all indications of time are based on the Federal Calendar.
  • The sun is orbited by a few giant orb-like things called planets. * Mercury - A rock. The Doctor once left a vampire there or something. * Venus - If Earth were hell (so basically Earth). A type of karate and lullaby originate from there. * Earth - Filled with war, famine, idiot presidents and vain pop stars, and orbited by a dragon egg, it's the Doctor's favourite place in the universe. Home to h00manz and sleepy green lizards. * Mars - The red planet, which humans plan on laying waste to once they've finished shitting all over their own planet. Apparently home to a lot of dangerous fellows, like the other sleepy green lizards and evil water. * Jupiter - A ball of gas with storms and moons and shit. Visited in a shit video game. * Saturn - Remembered for having a ring. The Doctor once blew up one of its moons. * Uranus - Kek. Mavic Chen once drilled it. Heh. * Neptune - Has Devil Goblins, apparently. * Pluto - An ice ball. Fuck you, it counts. Even in canon it's still a planet; K9, a computer from the year 5000, refers to it as the Ninth Planet, so there. Though speaking of that story, it was terraformed with 6 suns by a bald high-pitched voiced dwarf. * Voga - Oh yeah, there was this thing too, a planet entirely made of gold which helped defeat the Cybermen. It got caught in Jupiter's orbit, which should technically make it a moon, but ah well screw technicality. * Vulcan - It's not confirmed in the show if this is in Earth's Solar System, however there was a legit theory in real life of there being a planet called Vulcan within the orbit of Mercury, so I'm including it. Twas the first place the Second Doctor visited, where he blew up some Daleks. * Mondas - Earth's long lost twin, got flung out of the system and the inhabitants had to adapt. Returned to the system in the 80s to steal energy, but then got blown up melted disintegrated. * Gallifrey - If it appeared in the system, it was part of the system. * Skaro - Implied to be in the Solar System in the Hartnell era (the Galactic Council refer to the Daleks as "the power from the Solar System" in Missionary Position to the Unknown), but it has since been retconned to be orbiting a different star, except not anymore, except yes it still is. * Cassius - One from the novels, so not-canon (as if everything else in this list is). * Planet 14 - A planet briefly referenced in The Invasion, inhabited by Cybermen. * Planet 5 - Put in a time lock by the Time Lords because it was home to the Fendahl.
  • The Solar System is a system of solars. The Solar System is a series of planets that just kicked Pluto out of its club because they thought it was gay. Yeah, pretty cruel. So now their is only eight people at the party. Hmm, who's next?
  • The Solar System consists an average star called the sun. It also includes the following planets (in order based upon the distances from the sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (though it isn't really considered as a planet).
  • The Solar System is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • The solar system consists of: * The Sun * Planets and dwarf planets which orbit around the Sun. These are all kept in orbit by the Sun's gravity. The orbits are almost circular, contrary to most diagrams. * Satellites (moons) which orbit planets, kept in orbit around the planet by the planet's gravity. * Comets and asteroids which orbit the Sun.