  • Rhombus
  • Blue Goal: To get to this goal, go through each holes, while going straight to the goal. Don't worry you could get stuck in one of the holes, but you can get out easily. You should be careful while collecting the banana bunches on this stage, because you could fall off. When you reach the end, just go straight into the goal.
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  • --
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  • Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
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  • 60.0
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  • 32
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  • World
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  • Time Limit
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  • Banana Count
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Box Title
  • Rhombus
  • Blue Goal: To get to this goal, go through each holes, while going straight to the goal. Don't worry you could get stuck in one of the holes, but you can get out easily. You should be careful while collecting the banana bunches on this stage, because you could fall off. When you reach the end, just go straight into the goal.
is Row 8 info of