  • The Seven Year Freeze (Scenario - Total Collapse)
  • The Seven Year Freeze (2017-2024) was a period of time specific to the Middle East in which high tensions rose to new and unforeseen levels. The conflict is seen historically as a direct predecessor to armed conflicts which would then subsequently lead to World War III. The Seven Year Freeze was a tension between NATO and its aligned forces in the middle east and what would become known controversially as "The Destructive Force", those who either supported and defended the Assad Regime in Syria or those who supported ISIL and other jihadist groups.
  • The Seven Year Freeze (2017-2024) was a period of time specific to the Middle East in which high tensions rose to new and unforeseen levels. The conflict is seen historically as a direct predecessor to armed conflicts which would then subsequently lead to World War III. The Seven Year Freeze was a tension between NATO and its aligned forces in the middle east and what would become known controversially as "The Destructive Force", those who either supported and defended the Assad Regime in Syria or those who supported ISIL and other jihadist groups.