  • 59
  • 59
  • 59
  • 59
  • 59
  • 59
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "59" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Mark Dalesandro (1998) * Carlos Diaz (1990) * Brad Mills (2009) * Adam Peterson (2004) * Curtis Thigpen (2007) * Randy Wells (2008)
  • 59 (fifty-nine) is a positive integer following 58 and preceding 60. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-ninth" or 59th.
  • Last episode of the 50s column, It is very hard and will probably leave you extremely low on time for the last level. (This is probably the third hardest episode in the game)
  • #59 is the fifty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Number 59 was an item on The List.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 59.
  • El cincuenta y nueve (59) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y ocho y precede al sesenta. Categoría:Números
  • After admiring the portrait of Benjamin Collins, the Sheriff tells Roger he has more questions to augment that which he learned this morning. George wants Elizabeth's help. Victoria comes home but is going out to dinner. The Sheriff lays things out for Roger, who lies. Elizabeth stonewalls. David tells Victoria that his father is going to be arrested for Malloy's murder, and when she questions him, he says Roger will probably kill her, too, and she deserves it! David has used a three-pronged investigative attack, the Widows, his crystal ball, and tidal charts, to determine the extent of his father's guilt. He gives the Sheriff his tidal charts. Elizabeth again interrogates Roger and doesn't believe his lies. Roger sarcastically tells half-truths and half-lies to Elizabeth, which David over
  • Gerade als Diana denkt, es kehrt endlich etwas Ruhe in ihr Leben ein, ereilt sie die nächste Schicksalsmeldung: Frankfurt kündigt den Vorvertrag. Simone sieht Dianas Bleiben im Zentrum zunächst skeptisch, und sie weiß: Um an Julians Erbe zu kommen, muss sie die Hochzeit mit Jenny schleunigst vorantreiben. Als Simone sieht, wie sehr sich Julian über Dianas Bleiben freut, schnappt sie sich Diana und setzt sie gehörig unter Druck. Annette ist durch Richard Verdacht, sie wolle ihn erpressen, derart empört, dass sie beschließt, Männern den Rücken zu kehren und sich ganz auf ihre Frisörkarriere zu konzentrieren. Nadja wird ihre erste Kundin, und Annette bemerkt, dass auch andere Frauen ähnliche Probleme haben. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Nadja und sie sich über den gleichen Mann beklagen. Dieter findet
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 59 (2/24/11) That Guy: Ashom! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy With The Glasses." Narrator: Where are you from? That Guy: That's a very good question. And actually, I'm from a very dark, depressing place. / [jump cut] A place where evil comes together and wants to make everybody's life miserable. / It is a horrifying realm of sin and death that no human being should ever have to see. / That's right. I'm from New Jersey! / In fact, I'm surprised you can understand anything I'm saying through my incredibly thick Jersey accent. / You can probably tell by the fact that I don't care about any of you. / And the fact that I think "Jersey Shore" is gut-wrenching drama. / So please, do yourself a favor and never visit there. / Or, if
  • kierunek:dzielnica cudów Szubińska - Żwirki i Wigury Szubińska - Gnieźnieńska Szubińska - Piękna Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Jagiellonów Rondo Ossolińskich Skłodowskiej-Curie - Jurasza Skłodowskiej-Curie - Gajowa Skłodowskiej-Curie - Bałtycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Łęczycka Fordońska - Kazimierza Wielkiego Fordońska - Fabryczna Fordońska - Wyścigowa Fordońska - Sporna Przemysłowa - Portowa Przemysłowa - Sklejki Przemysłowa - Tartak PRZEMYSŁOWA UKW
  • 58
  • 173.475000
Folgen Nummer
  • 59
  • 59
  • DStitle.jpg
  • 1.300000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 24112006
  • 60
  • 1966-09-08
  • 59
  • 1967
  • Incomplete
  • 1
  • Episode 59
  • 250
  • 1966-09-15
Character Name
  • List Number 59
  • 4
  • 58
  • 58.0
  • 59
  • Season 1 opening sequence
  • 60
  • 60.0
  • Bawz_20061124_0059_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • Everything I did to Dad
  • red
  • 59
  • 59
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "59" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Mark Dalesandro (1998) * Carlos Diaz (1990) * Brad Mills (2009) * Adam Peterson (2004) * Curtis Thigpen (2007) * Randy Wells (2008)
  • 59 (fifty-nine) is a positive integer following 58 and preceding 60. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-ninth" or 59th.
  • Gerade als Diana denkt, es kehrt endlich etwas Ruhe in ihr Leben ein, ereilt sie die nächste Schicksalsmeldung: Frankfurt kündigt den Vorvertrag. Simone sieht Dianas Bleiben im Zentrum zunächst skeptisch, und sie weiß: Um an Julians Erbe zu kommen, muss sie die Hochzeit mit Jenny schleunigst vorantreiben. Als Simone sieht, wie sehr sich Julian über Dianas Bleiben freut, schnappt sie sich Diana und setzt sie gehörig unter Druck. Annette ist durch Richard Verdacht, sie wolle ihn erpressen, derart empört, dass sie beschließt, Männern den Rücken zu kehren und sich ganz auf ihre Frisörkarriere zu konzentrieren. Nadja wird ihre erste Kundin, und Annette bemerkt, dass auch andere Frauen ähnliche Probleme haben. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Nadja und sie sich über den gleichen Mann beklagen. Dieter findet einfach keinen Job und wird immer frustrierter. Wie immer entlädt er seine Wut an Jutta, der er ein anvisiertes Vorstellungsgespräch madig machen will.
  • kierunek:dzielnica cudów Szubińska - Żwirki i Wigury Szubińska - Gnieźnieńska Szubińska - Piękna Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Jagiellonów Rondo Ossolińskich Skłodowskiej-Curie - Jurasza Skłodowskiej-Curie - Gajowa Skłodowskiej-Curie - Bałtycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Łęczycka Fordońska - Kazimierza Wielkiego Fordońska - Fabryczna Fordońska - Wyścigowa Fordońska - Sporna Przemysłowa - Portowa Przemysłowa - Sklejki Przemysłowa - Tartak PRZEMYSŁOWA UKW kierunek: BŁONIE PRZEMYSŁOWA UKW Przemysłowa - Tartak Przemysłowa - Sklejki Przemysłowa - Portowa Fordońska - Sporna Fordońska - Wyścigowa Fordońska - Fabryczna Fordońska - Szajnochy Skłodowskiej-Curie - Łęczycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Bałtycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Gajowa Skłodowskiej-Curie - Jurasza Ogińskiego - Moniuszki Paderewskiego Rondo Jagiellonów Zbożowy Rynek Nowy Rynek Plac Poznański Szubińska - Piękna Szubińska - Gnieźnieńska Szubińska - Żwirki i Wigury BŁONIE
  • Last episode of the 50s column, It is very hard and will probably leave you extremely low on time for the last level. (This is probably the third hardest episode in the game)
  • #59 is the fifty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Number 59 was an item on The List.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 59.
  • After admiring the portrait of Benjamin Collins, the Sheriff tells Roger he has more questions to augment that which he learned this morning. George wants Elizabeth's help. Victoria comes home but is going out to dinner. The Sheriff lays things out for Roger, who lies. Elizabeth stonewalls. David tells Victoria that his father is going to be arrested for Malloy's murder, and when she questions him, he says Roger will probably kill her, too, and she deserves it! David has used a three-pronged investigative attack, the Widows, his crystal ball, and tidal charts, to determine the extent of his father's guilt. He gives the Sheriff his tidal charts. Elizabeth again interrogates Roger and doesn't believe his lies. Roger sarcastically tells half-truths and half-lies to Elizabeth, which David overhears. Roger lies about Victoria's dinner with Sam not bothering him.
  • El cincuenta y nueve (59) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y ocho y precede al sesenta. Categoría:Números
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Ep. 59 (2/24/11) That Guy: Ashom! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy With The Glasses." Narrator: Where are you from? That Guy: That's a very good question. And actually, I'm from a very dark, depressing place. / [jump cut] A place where evil comes together and wants to make everybody's life miserable. / It is a horrifying realm of sin and death that no human being should ever have to see. / That's right. I'm from New Jersey! / In fact, I'm surprised you can understand anything I'm saying through my incredibly thick Jersey accent. / You can probably tell by the fact that I don't care about any of you. / And the fact that I think "Jersey Shore" is gut-wrenching drama. / So please, do yourself a favor and never visit there. / Or, if you do, poke out your eyes, / cut off your ears, / rip off your tongue, / and hide in the openings in your body. / That way, you can say you got the best of you just before Jersey got the best of you. / You won't be able to speak or make any sense, but that means you'll be able to blend into Jersey perfectly. / Jersey: the toilet of God! / Yes. Narrator: If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? That Guy: STOP CRYING! [makes a slapping gesture, which is followed by a "smack" sound effect and the sound of a baby crying] / Oh, and don't go to Jersey. Narrator: Can you read my mind? That Guy: Only if you say it in rhyme and against John Williams music. / John Williams will originally want it to be a song, but you can't sing. / And besides, a song in the story about a man who wears blue spandex and a long red cape would just be silly. / It'd be like making a musical out of...Spiderman, and turning it into a big Broadway hit. / And when I say "hit," I mean people are constantly being hit and injured on the stage. / That's why they call it the NASCAR of Broadway shows. / People just watch it to see who's gonna die. / And of course, Bono's music. / [laughs] Pfft, sorry, I couldn't even say that with a straight face. / Three words that never go together: "people liking Bono." Pfft, it's crazy! / But to answer your question: Santa Claus. [smiles for a few seconds, and then looks away from the camera with a confused expression] Narrator: What does USA stand for? That Guy: [very seriously] It stands for truth, justice, peace, and the American way! / [reverts back to his usual demeanor] Oh wait, you mean what do the initials stand for? [laughs] I'm so sorry. / That stands for "U Suck Anus." / Most people think it stands for "United States of America," but if that was true, where's the "o" for "of"? / Are the people of America prejudiced against the word "of"? / [once again very seriously] Well, that's not the America I planned to grow up in! / I grew up in an America that says that all men are created equal! / Women, on the other hand, are screwed. / They are meant to be seen and bought, and not heard! / Just like the word "of"! / God, I hate that word! We should abolish all combinations of "o" and "f"! / Starting with movie titles! / "Raiders of the Lost Ark" will now be "Raiders: The Lost Ark?" Question mark? / "The Secret of Nimh" will now be "The Secret: Nimh!" Explanation [sic] point! / "Clash of the Titans" will now be "Clash: The Titans!!" It'll just be a big group of titans named "Clash." / With two explanation [sic] points! / See? We don't need the word "of"! We simply need punctuation at the end of titles! / Like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"! Did you ever notice there's no question mark in that title?! Narrator: Who DID frame Roger Rabbit? That Guy: [usual demeanor] Rednecks. / [contemptibly] Lousy inbreeders. [smiles again] Narrator: Does Justin Bieber have a penis? That Guy: [laughs] No, he has something better: five vaginas! / Have you ever met a boy with five vaginas? I have. / And oh, the nightmare fuel it will give you. Just like Justin Bieber songs! That Guy: [screams in a very high-pitched and excited manner, waving his hands frantically] Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God!! / [words disappear from screen] Oh, I'm so excited! I'd just like to thank Justin Bieber and his five vaginas for making this possible! / But most of all, I'd like to thank the fans for so needlessly hating a little boy who sings music that you don't have to listen to! / Thank you, everybody! Thank you all! / [lets out another high pitched scream of excitement before being abruptly cut off by the next question and the music going back to normal] Narrator: Why're women's feet so beautiful? That Guy: They're not. They're totally disgusting. / Ah, I think it's obvious what's going on here. / A certain little fascination somebody has, hmm? / Wake up and smell the roses, man! You have a nose fetish! / Get over it, boy! We all have them! / Have you ever seen a person sneeze in slow mo? [shakes head violently] Eww! / Go to the doctor and see what's wrong with you! You're not normal like me! / [smiles, grabs his bare right foot, lifts it up to his face, kisses it, lets his foot fall back onto the floor, and resumes his normal pose] Narrator: Were you saying "Boo" or "Boourns"? That Guy: SIMPSONS DID IT! Narrator: Is there a good answer when women ask, "Does this make me look fat?" That Guy: Yes there is. / "No, honey, that doesn't make you look fat, IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE GODZILLA. / Look out, Godzilla in a dress coming through! / I think you should eat Asian tonight because there are some Asian people down the street! / WHORE! YOU'RE AN UGLY, UGLY WHORE!" / The amount of sex you will get will be unbelievable. / You can thank me later. [makes a phone gesture with his free hand and whispers:] Call me. Narrator: If you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself? That Guy: Only if the hot dog was served... [The theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" begins to play as That Guy slowly lifts up a dry erase board with the words "WITH ONIONS" written across it. The sound of a crowd loudly cheering plays. The camera holds on That Guy standing with the sign and smiling for several seconds. / Cut to stock footage of a large crowd standing and applauding as the music continues to play. / Cut back to That Guy, who is still holding his board and smiling as the cheering continues. He nods several times. / Cut to more footage of a crowd standing and applauding. / Cut to a close-up of That Guy, who mouths "with onions", widens his eyes briefly, and stares at the camera smiling as the music finishes, before the normal music resumes and the next question appears.] Narrator: What would happen if you answered this question? That Guy: I don't know. Let's find out! [sound of thunder as a bright light flashes, covering the entire screen in white] / [a James Brown bobblehead is now where That Guy was previously standing] OH MY GOD I'M JAMES BROWN. I'M JAMES BROWN!!! / [impersonating James Brown] This is James Brown saying, there's no such thing as a stupid question, until you ask it. [A clip of James Brown saying "Ow!!" at the beginning of his song "I Feel Good" plays before the bobblehead is lowered beneath the countertop of the bar.] THE END.
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