  • Acare Field
  • The Acare Field was a globular cluster above the Mid Rim. It hosted nearly 60,000 stars, spread over 1500 light years. In the Southern region, a trail of stars that was pulled from the cluster by the spinning galaxy below, was a civilization known as the Wolatarians. Several nebulae were also found near the southern region. One, known as Sigma-13, was host to an independent Queendom of gas and ore miners. At least a dozen elaborate, floating palace cities were found in this area, as well as hundreds of smaller gas mining sites.
  • The Acare Field was a globular cluster above the Mid Rim. It hosted nearly 60,000 stars, spread over 1500 light years. In the Southern region, a trail of stars that was pulled from the cluster by the spinning galaxy below, was a civilization known as the Wolatarians. Several nebulae were also found near the southern region. One, known as Sigma-13, was host to an independent Queendom of gas and ore miners. At least a dozen elaborate, floating palace cities were found in this area, as well as hundreds of smaller gas mining sites.