  • Zorskel
  • Zorskel is the elite version of Dragan. He carries the SAS-12 in single-player and in multiplayer he carries the SAS-12 or the FAL. Zorskel is similar in appearance to Dragan: he wears the same attire including armor, a ski mask, and goggles; however, he has a skull painted on his mask and wears red goggles, and is somewhat thinner than Dragan.
  • Zorskel is the elite version of Dragan. He carries the SAS-12 in single-player and in multiplayer he carries the SAS-12 or the FAL. Zorskel is similar in appearance to Dragan: he wears the same attire including armor, a ski mask, and goggles; however, he has a skull painted on his mask and wears red goggles, and is somewhat thinner than Dragan.