  • Ancient Je'daii: The Force Wars: Battle Against The Boga
  • Je'daii Master, Deela jan Morolla is giving a speech to the aspiring young Je'daii Journeyers, Luigi among them, stating “Not every Journeyer will complete their Great Journey. Some will fall victim to Tython's many dangerous landscapes or creatures. Some will lose themselves. Some may even lose their way in the Force and leave Tython far behind, scattering out to the system, lost in a much more fundamental way. But as Je'daii we must accept this, because this is not an existence of absolutes. Life is a challenge, and facing that challenge is what makes the good great.” As Master Morolla finishes her speech, Luigi leaves the Temple and is greeted by his family who wish to see him off. Luigi takes this time to sit down with his cousin Stanley, to whom he promises to take as his padawn once
  • *Je'daii followers of Ashla
  • *Je'daii followers of Bogan
  • *Bowser's War
  • 25785
  • *Infiltration of the Je'daii followers of Bogan
  • 25791
  • *Je'daii Council *Je'daii Temple Masters **Je'daii Master Crash **Je'daii Master Quan-Jang **Je'daii Master Jake Fenn **Je'daii Master Lha-Mi **Je'daii Master Deela jan Morolla **Je'daii Master Ter'cay *Je'daii Rangers **Je'daii Ranger Luigi **Je'daii Ranger Xesh **Je'daii Ranger Hawk Ryo **Je'daii Ranger Shae Koda **Je'daii Ranger Jak **Je'daii Ranger Lanoree Brock **Je'daii Ranger Rori Fenn *Je'daii Padawans **Je'daii Padawan Coco **Je'daii Padawan Banjo
  • *Master's Council *Je'daii Temple Masters **Je'daii Master Dagen Lok **Je'daii Master Pacster Man ** Je'daii Master Kin'ade *Je'daii Rangers **Je'daii Ranger Sek'nos Rath **Je'daii Ranger Tiny **Je'daii Ranger Kara *Je'daii Padawans **Je'daii Padawan Stanley **Je'daii Padawan Daxter *Stargazer Sect **Je'daii Journeyer Dalien Brock
  • *Battle of Ban Landing *Battle of Kalikori village *First Battle of Stark Forest *Battle of The Hollows *Battle of Edge Forest *Battle of Forbidden Falls *Battle of Fount Rajivari *Second Battle of Stark Forest *Battle of Tythos River *Battle of The Stone Cities of Bogan *Battle of Old City *Battle of Masara *Battle of Talss *Battle of Moon Island *Battle of Upper Hollows *Battle of Tythos River Valley *Third Battle of Stark Forest *First Battle of The Silent Desert *Battle of The Chasm *Battle of Tythos Ridge *Battle of Strafe Plains *Second Battle of The Silent Desert *Battle of Elarian Trail *Battle of Waterfall Cave *Battle of Thyr *Fourth Battle of Stark Forest
  • *Ashla Victory ** Boga Leader Daegen Lok is captured
  • Tython
  • Je'daii Master, Deela jan Morolla is giving a speech to the aspiring young Je'daii Journeyers, Luigi among them, stating “Not every Journeyer will complete their Great Journey. Some will fall victim to Tython's many dangerous landscapes or creatures. Some will lose themselves. Some may even lose their way in the Force and leave Tython far behind, scattering out to the system, lost in a much more fundamental way. But as Je'daii we must accept this, because this is not an existence of absolutes. Life is a challenge, and facing that challenge is what makes the good great.” As Master Morolla finishes her speech, Luigi leaves the Temple and is greeted by his family who wish to see him off. Luigi takes this time to sit down with his cousin Stanley, to whom he promises to take as his padawn once finished with his Journey, mirroring what Mario did for him. The cheerful Je'daii Youngling makes Luigi pinky promise, a ritual from their childhood, as he gives his elder cousin a hug good-bye. The horns of the Temple then blow signifying that it is time for the Journeyers to embark on their quest of self discovery. Luigi bids farewell to his mother, kissing her on the cheek, and brushes Stanley's hair, as he walks off into the distance. Undertaking the Great Journey, Luigi traveled by foot across the several continents which separated the Temples in order to meditate and learn survival techniques on his quest to become a Je'daii Ranger, battling many Flesh Raiders along the way. Tasked with studying at each of the nine Je'daii Temples, Luigi mastered the disciplines of each Temple, training under the great masters before moving to the next temple. Once Luigi completed his training, a year after first embarking on his journey, he returned back to his original Temple, this time by a speeder ferry, and is officially made a Je'daii Ranger. Je'daii Ranger Luigi and his padawan Stanley are then assigned to fight in the Force War on behave of the Ashla.