  • Team Verde
  • Team Verde
  • Team Verde is the Lightning Arcobaleno Verde's representative team, being formed to fight for Verde in the Representative Battle of the Rainbow. On the fourth day of the Representative Battle, Mukuro's boss watch was destroyed by Bermuda; thus, Team Verde was eliminated. It is essentially the same as the Kokuyo Junior High Gang.
  • Das Team Verde vertritt beim Kampf der Repräsentanten der Arcobaleno den Arcobaleno des Blitzes, Verde. Zusammensetzen tut sich das Team Verde aus der Kokuyo Gang sowie dem Fran der Gegenwart.
  • Team Verde
Current Boss
Serving Under
  • Team Verde is the Lightning Arcobaleno Verde's representative team, being formed to fight for Verde in the Representative Battle of the Rainbow. On the fourth day of the Representative Battle, Mukuro's boss watch was destroyed by Bermuda; thus, Team Verde was eliminated. It is essentially the same as the Kokuyo Junior High Gang.
  • Das Team Verde vertritt beim Kampf der Repräsentanten der Arcobaleno den Arcobaleno des Blitzes, Verde. Zusammensetzen tut sich das Team Verde aus der Kokuyo Gang sowie dem Fran der Gegenwart.
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