  • Univille, South Dakota
  • Univille, South Dakota (pronounced [uhn-uh-vil]), is the name of the geographical location of the town seven miles away from where Warehouse 13 is set. The name Univille comes from "unnamed unincorporated settlement," as seen on the town sign in the Pilot episode. Little is known about this location other than it is in the Badlands of South Dakota and it houses the Warehouse, Leena's Bed and Breakfast, Univille Post Office (which closed at the beginning of Season Two), Tokyo Sushi, a barbershop (which contains the 'artifact early warning system' when the pole goes purple - 'Beyond Our Control'), a hardware store (where Todd once worked), a hearing care clinic, a veterinary hospital (formerly run by Kelly Hernandez), an ice cream shop, and a coffee house, the Univille farmer market. It is,
  • Points of interest
  • Univille
  • Town
  • Univille, South Dakota
  • 250
  • The Badlands of South Dakota
  • Univille, South Dakota (pronounced [uhn-uh-vil]), is the name of the geographical location of the town seven miles away from where Warehouse 13 is set. The name Univille comes from "unnamed unincorporated settlement," as seen on the town sign in the Pilot episode. Little is known about this location other than it is in the Badlands of South Dakota and it houses the Warehouse, Leena's Bed and Breakfast, Univille Post Office (which closed at the beginning of Season Two), Tokyo Sushi, a barbershop (which contains the 'artifact early warning system' when the pole goes purple - 'Beyond Our Control'), a hardware store (where Todd once worked), a hearing care clinic, a veterinary hospital (formerly run by Kelly Hernandez), an ice cream shop, and a coffee house, the Univille farmer market. It is, however, the only option when Warehouse personnel want to 'go into town', as Featherhead (the only other 'local' spot mentioned) is ninety miles away. It also houses a large indoor garden, the Univille Garden Conservatory, which currently plays home to the Statue of Zeus. Residents are notably hostile to Warehouse employees, since the established cover is that the Warehouse is a vast archive of tax returns - all of them, in point of fact.
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