  • Demonization
  • Demonization - combating known foes with polarization. In Factiness, demonization is evil due to having demon in the name. Grr
  • The user can transform oneself or others into demons or demonic hybrids granting them demonic abilities and/or traits.
  • The Malkioni power to reveal the demon inside an entity. * Considered to be a curse to weaken enemy Gods and Spirits. Source: Revealed Mythologies
  • Demonization names the rhetorical tactic/propaganda trick of claiming that an opponent or enemy is utterly evil, and this undeserving of moral regard. For the most primitive of contemporary American conservatives this extends to claiming that their political targets are actual demons!
  • All The Tropes is the devil. It teaches our children it's okay to be aroused by filth. It wants to make everyone in the world fat and lazy, pollutes the English language even more than Internet speak and unlike those evil drug dealers, they will actually admit they want to ruin your life! Self-identity is discouraged among the members of this cult, to the point where personal pronouns and references to oneself are actively discouraged. It's anti-American. After all, why let facts get in the way of complaining about things you don't like? Examples of Demonization include:
  • Demonization is a type of propaganda tool often used to install feelings of disgust, hate or fear towards a certain belief, an organization or (at its worst) entire nations - it is a powerful and dangerous weapon that can have devastating effects if not opposed and is heavily utilized by oppressive societies such as despotic dictatorships and destructive cults. Demonization can also occur as a response to particularly devastating events such as crime, terrorism or war - in which public anger and fear may either be played upon or result in a negative stereotyping of a group seen as the "enemy".
Row 1 info
  • Turn others into demons.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Demonization
  • Lucifer turned the human woman Lilith into the first demon by torturing and corrupting her soul.
  • 330
  • black
  • Demonization - combating known foes with polarization. In Factiness, demonization is evil due to having demon in the name. Grr
  • Demonization is a type of propaganda tool often used to install feelings of disgust, hate or fear towards a certain belief, an organization or (at its worst) entire nations - it is a powerful and dangerous weapon that can have devastating effects if not opposed and is heavily utilized by oppressive societies such as despotic dictatorships and destructive cults. Demonization can also occur as a response to particularly devastating events such as crime, terrorism or war - in which public anger and fear may either be played upon or result in a negative stereotyping of a group seen as the "enemy". If not defeated the process of Demonization results in a rapid decline in respect for the target group, who become more abused by the masses and if left too long can ultimately become the victims of Genocide as the process of Demonization makes them "less than human" in the eyes of those under its control. Good examples of this phenomena are Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, who demonized Jews (Hebrews), blacks (Africans and Afro-Americans), Gypsies (Romani people), and many other ethnic groups by preaching to his followers that they were sub-human animals and were the cause of all the world's problems. This happened a lot during World War II, especially in the war with Japan, in which both America and Japan taught that the enemy was a barbaric and worthless people. Even before World War II, demonization was strong. During the Indian Wars, white (Cacausian) Americans spread progoganda around to make the Native Americans look like savage and monsterious animals, same thing with dark skinned people. Al-Qaeda and many other terrorist groups also use this tactic against the Western world to fuel their followers' hatred towards them. In return, many people in the Western world believe Islam is a evil religion that is based on raping women and young girls, turning boys into child soldiers at a young age and making the world a theocracy.
  • All The Tropes is the devil. It teaches our children it's okay to be aroused by filth. It wants to make everyone in the world fat and lazy, pollutes the English language even more than Internet speak and unlike those evil drug dealers, they will actually admit they want to ruin your life! Self-identity is discouraged among the members of this cult, to the point where personal pronouns and references to oneself are actively discouraged. It's anti-American. Of course none of that is true, or completely true, but that's how Demonization works. It's about twisting facts, or making them up, to make something look worse. Sometimes it can actually go as far claiming something is satanic, but usually it's more down to earth. Either way, these claims are made either without proof, or counter to actual evidence. After all, why let facts get in the way of complaining about things you don't like? No, you want people to hate this thing. So you will do whatever you can to make this thing seem truly evil. It kills people (based on one or two deaths, that were quickly proven unrelated)! It ruined a nation (was coincidentally a fad in a country just before a coup d'etat)! God told you it's the sign of the devil (but somehow didn't tell anyone else, if it was that important)! If it is a race, a nation, or another group of people, they are Always Chaotic Evil! Strawman arguments can be a form of demonization at times (and vice-versa), but the two terms differ; strawman arguments involve making a weaker (or absurdly stronger) statement of the opponents views in order to demolish them, while demonization usually ignores those positions outright in favor of a totally invented narrative. A Super-Trope to Attack of the Political Ad, Ron the Death Eater. Compare with Accentuate the Negative (amplifying negatives instead of just pulling them from nowhere), Everyone Is Satan in Hell (when the symbolism of a work is interpreted to be demonic), Character Derailment (a writer suddenly has a character act demonic for no good reason), Godwin's Law (comparing persons or ideas you don't like to Hitler and/or Nazism, which carry the same connotation of absolute evil), Ron the Death Eater (demonizing a character in fan fiction), Digital Piracy Is Evil, Abomination Accusation Attack. Contrast with Rose Tinted Narrative, Draco in Leather Pants. Examples of Demonization include:
  • The user can transform oneself or others into demons or demonic hybrids granting them demonic abilities and/or traits.
  • The Malkioni power to reveal the demon inside an entity. * Considered to be a curse to weaken enemy Gods and Spirits. Source: Revealed Mythologies
  • Demonization names the rhetorical tactic/propaganda trick of claiming that an opponent or enemy is utterly evil, and this undeserving of moral regard. For the most primitive of contemporary American conservatives this extends to claiming that their political targets are actual demons!