  • Orloff
  • Maxwell, Lord Orloff was a Melungeon noble and the commander of the light cruiser Colonel Arabi. He styled himself as an amateur archaeologist, and traveled to Hope to sever one of the six Crystal Pylons of the Alphanes and return it to Melungeon. He was a cheater at cards and when Edith Mincio told Sir Hakon Nessler how he was cheating, they developed a scheme to bankrupt him. To pay off his debt, Orloff had to allow Lord Nessler to borrow Coloenl Arabi. (HHA1.2: AGT)
  • Maxwell, Lord Orloff was a Melungeon noble and the commander of the light cruiser Colonel Arabi. He styled himself as an amateur archaeologist, and traveled to Hope to sever one of the six Crystal Pylons of the Alphanes and return it to Melungeon. He was a cheater at cards and when Edith Mincio told Sir Hakon Nessler how he was cheating, they developed a scheme to bankrupt him. To pay off his debt, Orloff had to allow Lord Nessler to borrow Coloenl Arabi. (HHA1.2: AGT)