  • Evolution of an Uncyclopedia editor
  • Who knows how you stumbled across this website. Word of mouth? Random internet surfing? Fate? It certainly appears as if the latter has played a role. On your first visit you read some truly great comedy. And you see there are over twenty thousand more articles to admire! How could your life have been complete without this wondrous, miraculous anthology of genius? The next day you come back for more. And a bit more. Not every article you read is as great as that first one you came across, but you are not deterred. Perhaps... perhaps you could make it better! But are you really worthy? Is it really your place to change the work of others? Doubts fill your mind, but you steel your nerves and take the plunge. A small, electric tingle of excitement shoots up your spine as you add a forgotten "
  • 1953414
  • 2007-05-16
  • Who knows how you stumbled across this website. Word of mouth? Random internet surfing? Fate? It certainly appears as if the latter has played a role. On your first visit you read some truly great comedy. And you see there are over twenty thousand more articles to admire! How could your life have been complete without this wondrous, miraculous anthology of genius? The next day you come back for more. And a bit more. Not every article you read is as great as that first one you came across, but you are not deterred. Perhaps... perhaps you could make it better! But are you really worthy? Is it really your place to change the work of others? Doubts fill your mind, but you steel your nerves and take the plunge. A small, electric tingle of excitement shoots up your spine as you add a forgotten "h" into "te" and click the "Save page" button. You've done it. You have made your first edit to Uncyclopedia. You are one of us. Over the coming days you grow in confidence. You begin to recognise some of the fantastic in-jokes of Uncyclopedia. You soon notice that many writers less wise than yourself write pages completely bereft of a gem of Wilde Wisdom or the invaluable input of our Russian friends. Luckily they have you on hand to fix this for them, as well as adding a few paragraphs of your own priceless humour. Ah, how you glow with self-worth as you observe these completed and expanded articles, now with the subject's gay lovers fully catalogued. Finally you are ready to write your first article. To your surprise it comes easily; as disconnected as any comedy could hope to be, and you're sure that your reference to that irritating little dyslexic kid down the street will have all readers rolling on the floor. Alright, so it's a little short and could maybe do with an image and some punctuation, but for a first effort you feel it's a job well done. But then, disaster strikes! You come back the next day to find your article has disappeared and many of your inspired edits have been reverted. In a storm of self-righteous fury you delete all pages where your input has been shunned and replace them with your complaints written in block capitals and with so many exclamation marks you cannot possibly be ignored. Satisfied that justice has been done you return to your quest to make Uncyclopedia better than ever before. But you find to your horror that you cannot make changes! You have been blocked! With heavy heart you return to your free online games. Somehow, blowing up pixellated monsters just isn't the same as it was. The next two days are the slowest of your life, as you miss something you never knew you needed. You vow to come back a reformed character, to register as a real user and become an upstanding pillar of the Uncyclopedic community.