  • Kung Fu Wizard/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: A magic user also happens to be a skilled martial artist. * Straight: A wizard is introduced who is also shown to be a skilled martial artist. * Exaggerated: Every single magic user in the story are skilled martial artists, regardless of age or any other limitations. * Justified: The wizard took up martial arts because he felt that he couldn't just rely on magic alone in combat. * Or alternatively magic has limitations which require the user to be physically fit, so he picked an activity that would also have a use in combat. * Inverted: Squishy Wizard * Badass Normal * Subverted: Despite his martial arts skill, the wizard isn't all that useful in combat... * Double Subverted: ... Or so he wants his opponent to believe. Once the enemy lets his
  • Basic Trope: A magic user also happens to be a skilled martial artist. * Straight: A wizard is introduced who is also shown to be a skilled martial artist. * Exaggerated: Every single magic user in the story are skilled martial artists, regardless of age or any other limitations. * Justified: The wizard took up martial arts because he felt that he couldn't just rely on magic alone in combat. * Or alternatively magic has limitations which require the user to be physically fit, so he picked an activity that would also have a use in combat. * Inverted: Squishy Wizard * Badass Normal * Subverted: Despite his martial arts skill, the wizard isn't all that useful in combat... * Double Subverted: ... Or so he wants his opponent to believe. Once the enemy lets his guard down, he shows his true power. * Parodied: An enemy boasts that he cannot be harmed by magic...and promptly has his jaw removed by the wizard. * Deconstructed: The wizard ends up neglecting his magic for his martial arts training and is less powerful than other wizards magic-wise, as a result. * Reconstructed: Having balanced abilities still comes in handy though. * Zig Zagged: A mage loses his staff and decides to take up a martial art. He gets quite good. He later refinds his staff, and, relying on magic becomes decadent and unfit. * Averted: No mages are martial artists, and no martial artists have magic powers * Enforced: To be able to enter the inner circle of the Wizards Guild, wizards must defeat a demon they've summoned via hand-to-hand combat - no magic or weapons allowed. * Lampshaded: "After those muggers caught Berilius without his wand and robbed him, he swore he'd never be helpless again." * Invoked: A wizard is advised to take up martial arts to increase his combat skills. * Defied: All magic users must take a vow never to fight with anything but their magic. * Discussed: "I always wondered why someone called 'The Lightning Sorceress' specialized in ice magic. I guess they were talking about her reflexes." * Conversed: "If I could spam energy bolts I wouldn't be mixing it up hand-to-hand with the bad guys. Especially if their hands were holding swords and shields." Back to Kung Fu Wizard, who's a hair less flashy than the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot.