  • POS timeline
  • The POP timeline is an unofficial timeline based on information from the The Silver Lining and Four Winds from Phoenix Online Publishing (it is loosely based on the POP timeline (classic)). DC = Daventry's Creation This timeline places KQ7 at about 24 years after KQ1. In comparison; The AGDI timeline places KQ7 about 22 years after KQ1, the BI timeline places KQ7 about 22 years after KQ1, and the IA timeline timeline places KQ7 about 24 or 26 years after KQ1 (KQ7 takes place before KQ4).
  • The POP timeline is an unofficial timeline based on information from the The Silver Lining and Four Winds from Phoenix Online Publishing (it is loosely based on the POP timeline (classic)). DC = Daventry's Creation This timeline places KQ7 at about 24 years after KQ1. In comparison; The AGDI timeline places KQ7 about 22 years after KQ1, the BI timeline places KQ7 about 22 years after KQ1, and the IA timeline timeline places KQ7 about 24 or 26 years after KQ1 (KQ7 takes place before KQ4).