  • WAM Score
  • WAM is an acronym for Wikia Activity Monitor, and it's based on how active each wikia is! You can see the number of active users and pages under the Statistics page! WAM Scores will be updated almost every day! If you have any questions, ask JK55556! (Admin, Bureaucrat and WAM Manager) Our WAM Score is here.
  • WAM is an acronym for Wikia Activity Monitor, and it's based on how active each wikia is! You can see the number of active users and pages under the Statistics page! WAM Scores will be updated almost every day! The Mario Kart Wii Wiki is very lucky to be in the top 5000 in activity! Yes, there are thousands of different wikis, but the website only shows the top 5000. Type your wiki name into the search box. If it doesn't show up, copy your URL (for example: and paste it into the search box. If it still doesn't show up, that means your wiki is not in the top 5000. You can get into the top 5000 by adding more pages and getting more active users. It may be hard because no one wants to join a tiny wiki! :) If you have any questions, ask JK55556! (Admin, Bureaucrat and WAM Manager) Our WAM Score is here.