  • Jax Pavan 10
  • Jax Pavan 10 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. He had ten sons, who each had ten daughters, who each had ten sets of twins. This Pavan was single-handedly responsible for the continued population of Coruscant despite the rampant warfare that ravaged the planet but did not destroy it. Sadly, not one of his descendants were named Jax.
  • Jax Pavan 10 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. He had ten sons, who each had ten daughters, who each had ten sets of twins. This Pavan was single-handedly responsible for the continued population of Coruscant despite the rampant warfare that ravaged the planet but did not destroy it. Sadly, not one of his descendants were named Jax.