  • Grumble Bee (Enter the Green Ranger)
  • Inside Angel Grove High School, all of us were in our last class of the day. Miss. Appleby was walking around and handing us back our test results. When she gave Bulk and Skull theirs, they just threw them to the ground. She then goes over to the next roll and stops at Billy's desk handing him back his test. "Sorry, Billy." Miss. Appleby told him The rest of us look at her funny as Billy looks at his test results and he then gets a look of shock and confusion. "I don't believe it, a 'B'?" Billy questioned in shocked as he just stares at his test in shock and confusion "Doesn't it?" Skull wondered
  • Inside Angel Grove High School, all of us were in our last class of the day. Miss. Appleby was walking around and handing us back our test results. When she gave Bulk and Skull theirs, they just threw them to the ground. She then goes over to the next roll and stops at Billy's desk handing him back his test. "Sorry, Billy." Miss. Appleby told him The rest of us look at her funny as Billy looks at his test results and he then gets a look of shock and confusion. "I don't believe it, a 'B'?" Billy questioned in shocked as he just stares at his test in shock and confusion 'Man, that is really super rare for Billy. I have never seen him or heard of him ever getting a 'B' before.' I thought to myself Kimberly puts a comforting hand on the shoulder as does Trini just as the bell rings. We all then get out of our seats and begin packing up our things. "Remember, only those with the top grades gets to join the Young Scientists of America Club. Tomorrow is the final test. So study." Miss. Appleby reminded us We all walk over towards the exit wave bye to Miss. Appleby. Zack stops us as he spots Billy still staring at his test. We all just stand there as Billy slowly rises from his seat and slowly walking over towards us still looking at his grade. "I'm most perplexed. I've never received a 'B' before." Billy told us "Look Billy man, don't sweat it. I mean, a 'B' isn't so bad." Zack mentioned "Yeah, if they were I would be in big trouble. I get them all the time." Kimberly told him "Perhaps, Kimberly, but I never do. I've been working so hard at this." Billy told her "Billy, you did your best. I mean, that's all any of us can do." Trini reminded him "Yeah man, it happens to the best of us. No one is perfect at anything." I added Billy just shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly, Bulk and Skull walked up to us and stood next to Billy on either side. "Too bad about the 'B' geek. 'B' stands for 'bad', didn't you know that?" Bulk questioned "Yeah, 'B' stands for 'Bulk' also." Skull added Skull then got a confused look on his face. "Doesn't it?" Skull wondered Bulk just looked at him like if he could be anymore stupid. "Back off, Bulk." Jason told them "Yeah, leave him alone." Kimberly stated getting into Bulk's face Bulk and Skull then went to leave but turns around and faces Billy. "See ya. Wouldn't want to 'Be' ya." Bulk told him Both him and Skull then begin laughing at that last comment and walks out laughing. "Hey, don't listen to anything they say Billy" Aisha told him "Yeah, there just a bunch of jerks." Kat added Billy just shrugs and looks back towards his test results. Rita was spying on Billy seeing that he is all gloomed about getting a 'B'. "Poor Billy got a 'B'. That gives me an idea." Rita stated Rita then walks away from her Repulsascope and walks towards Finster's lab. "Finster, make me a monster. A horrible stinging bee." Rita ordered "Ah, yes, your evilness. I am sure with my brand new recreated Super Putty Clay, I can create just the monster you're looking, for a powerful Grumble Bee monster with a nasty venom and sharp stingers." Finster told her Rita smiles. "Excellent Finster. Get to work on it right away." Rita ordered "This monster will mean the end of the Power Rangers." Finster mentioned Rita just laughed evilly. All of us had went and put are stuff in our lockers and meet up back by Billy's locker as he just takes his time still bummed out about getting a 'B' on the test. Billy then shuts his locker. Zack then walks over to him and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey man, don' take this so hard." Zack told him "Remember Billy, you tried hard and you did your best." Kimberly added as she took his hand giving it a gentle squeeze "You look like you could use a break from school all together Billy." Adam mentioned "Yeah, Adam's right. Why don't you come the park with us and shoot a few baskets with us?" Jason suggested "Yeah, it should clear your mind from all this." Rocky added "Yeah." Kimberly agreed All of us nodded in agreement. "Uh, no thanks. I appreciate your efforts, but acceptance into the Young Scientists of America club is very important to me. I'd better study." Billy told us "Okay, I'll stay behind." Trini stated "I same here." I added "I'll stay behind too." Justin mentioned Trini smile and nodded towards the two of us. "We can help quiz you." Trini offered "Thank you guys, that would be most helpful." Billy thanked as we walked over to him "Later, Billy." Jason told him "Bye sweetie." Kimberly told him as she gave him a quick kiss before walking off with the others "Take it easy Billy." Angela told him "See ya, dude." Zack told him Zack, Kimberly, Jason, Aisha, Rocky, Angela, Adam, and Kat walked off in another direction while Trini, Justin, Billy, and I went off in another direction. At the Youth Center, Justin, Trini, and I were helping Billy with his studying. "Hmm, this says that the bee is the highest form of insect belonging to the order hymenoptera." Trini read from an insect book Billy then smirks for the first time since having gotten our test results back. "That's it, the question I missed on the test. I can't believe I blew the test on a bee question." Billy mentioned "Do you know what it means Billy?" Justin inquired "Certainly, it's a term which defines the specific order of insects, such as bees." Billy explained "You're amazing, Billy." Trini told him "Yeah, man. You really are something." I added Billy just chuckled as we the rest of us too. Glad to see our friend happy again. We then go back to studying. While, Paul, Trini, and Justin had gone to the Youth Center to help Billy study, the rest of us had gone to the park to play some basketball and the 8 of us were currently playing a short game of four on four. Jason, Kat, Adam, and I against Zack, Angela, Rocky, and Angela. The game was tied and we each needed just one more point to win. "Alright, let's get them, guys." I told them as I passed the ball to Adam "They can't stop us." Adam added as he passed it to Kat Kat then dribbled it a bit before passing it to Jason. "Take it to them Jason." Kat stated passing the ball to him Jason caught the ball and dribbles the ball towards the basket. "No problem, I'm taking it to the hoop right away." Jason told us Before Jason could get any further, Zack manage to steal the ball from him. "Ha! Got you again Jase." Zack teased Zack then quickly passed the ball to Aisha. Who dribble it past Kat. "Rocky heads up." Aisha called out passing the ball to Rocky Rocky caught the ball and dribbled it around Jason. "Angela heads up." Rocky called out passing the ball towards her Angela caught it and dribble it towards the basket as I stay in front of her. Zack then rushes towards the basket. "Zack take it to them." Angela called out Angela then tossed the ball to Zack who caught it midair and slammed ducked it for an perfect alloy-up. "Ha! Nice pass Angela." Zack commented "Thanks Zack." Angela thanked We all then walk back towards the nearby picnic bench. "So Kim, you think Paul is ready for that Karate competition this weekend?" Jason inquired "Yeah, it's pretty important match for him isn't it?" Rocky inquired "Oh, he is going to blow that competition away. He has been so prepared for that match all week." I told them Angela, Aisha, Kat, and I set on top of the picnic table drink some water from our water bottles. "Yeah, you know, speaking of being prepared. I hope Billy doesn't get too tired from all that studying." Zack mentioned "Oh, me, too I mean, getting a 'B' on a test is nothing to be ashamed of." I stated "He! Yeah I know." Adam agreed Rita was spying on the eight Rangers that are currently in the park. "Brats, I've got a new test for you." Rita stated looking through her Repulsascope She then turns away from it and spots Baboo and Squatt. "I thought I told you ninnies to call Goldar?" Rita questioned "But we did." Squatt stated "He's walking in right now my queen." Baboo pointed out Rita then turned around and spots Goldar walking in. "Ah Goldar, you know what to do next, don't you?" Rita questioned "Yes my queen, I and my putties shall engage the Rangers until Grumble Bee is ready." Goldar told her "Right, get to it Goldar." Rita instructed Goldar bowed before leaving the throne room. She then turned back towards Baboo and Squatt. "Now, you two go do something nasty." Rita ordered "Oh, yes, ma'am." Squatt stated Rita just began laughing evilly. As we were getting ready to play another quick game of basketball, a small army of Putties suddenly appeared in the park. "Oh no, Putties." I called out "What you think they want this time?" Kat inquired "The same as usual." Zack stated "Spread out. Let's take them." Jason instructed We all then spread out and began fighting off the Putties. While the Rangers were distracted from fighting the Putties, Goldar appeared with a few more Putties. "You think you're pretty smart, Power Rangers but trust me, your lessons have just begun." Goldar told them Suddenly, Goldar produced some magic yellow glowing energy rope and threw it to the ground. A couple of the Putties then grab it and take it towards the Rangers who have been pushed back into a corner surrounded by the other Putties. Out of nowhere while we were battling the Putties who had gathered us into a big circle, more Putties begin wrapping some kind of yellow glowing energy rope around us tying us up against each other with our hands forced behind our backs. We begin to struggle trying to get out of this rope before they finished tying it off around us. "Cut it out, Clay Brains." I demanded The Putties finished tying us up and backed up as we continued to struggle against the energy rope binding us together. "This magic rope will keep you behind a powerful force field Rangers and out of our way. Enjoy the class so far? Hahaha!" Goldar inquired laughing evilly "You won't get away with this, Goldar." Jason told him "I already have. You failed this test, Power Rangers. Hahahaha!" Goldar stated laughing evilly "We'll find a way out of this Goldar." Adam told him "And when we do, you'll be sorry you ever messed with us." Kat added The Putties then all gather around Goldar as he just continued to laugh evilly. "Haha! You've met your match this time, Power brats. Rita's Grumble Bee will destroy you and the world." Goldar told us Suddenly, Goldar and the Putties disappeared. Leaving us tied up together in the park. "He's gone." Rocky stated "This is so not good." Angela added "We need to try and break free from these ropes." Aisha mentioned We all continue to struggle against the energy ropes. At the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon had just detected another one of Rita's monsters on the Viewing Globe. "Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi! What are we going to do, Zordon?" Alpha questioned "Contact the Rangers immediately, Alpha." Zordon instructed "Right away Zordon." Alpha stated as he began pushing a few buttons As we continued to struggle against the energy ropes binding us together, we here our Communicators go off. "Oh, man. We can't even teleport out of this force field." Zack mentioned "What are we going to do?" I wondered as we continued to struggle against the ropes binding us together "Let's just hope that the others can find us soon." Kat mentioned "I don't understand it, Jason's not responding, Zordon." Alpha mentioned "Alpha, the Rangers are in trouble in Angel Grove Park." Zordon informed him Alpha turns towards the Viewing Globe to see that Zordon is right as they see Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Angela, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Kat tied up with yellow energy ropes. "Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi! The Rangers are really in a bind. Now what do we do, Zordon?" Alpha inquired "We must locate Billy, Justin, Paul, and Trini at once. And send them to rescue their friends." Zordon instructed "I'll get right on it, Zordon." Alpha stated as he got to work on locating Paul, Trini, Billy, and Justin While Justin, Billy, Trini, and I were still studying, our Communicators suddenly goes off. We then quickly put our books down and rushed over towards an secluded area and looked around real quick to make sure that we were alone. "Yes, Zordon?" I asked into the Communicator "Teleport to the Command Center immediately." Zordon said through the Communicators "Alright, let's go guys." Trini stated Billy and Justin nodded in agreement and we all teleported out of the Youth Center. Justin, Billy, Trini, and I are then teleported into the Command Center. We looked around to see that the others are here though. "What's happening, Zordon?" Billy inquired "Where is everyone else?" Trini wondered "Your friends are being held in a electronic force field by Goldar's energy rope. Observe the Viewing Globe." Zordon told us We all turned towards the Viewing Globe to see that Kimberly and the others were tied up with a yellow energy rope keeping them tied up to one another. "Oh man, there really in trouble." Billy mentioned "I can't figure out how to free them. Ayi, yi, yi! This is an awful mess." Alpha cried out "Their really in a bind." Justin stated "We have to go to them." I stated "Wait, there's an even more serious problem Power Rangers. Return your attention to the Viewing Globe." Zordon told us We then turn back towards the Viewing Globe to see a bee like monster. 'I wonder if this is Rita's cruel joke to Billy's rare test score?' I thought to myself "Rita's monstrous Grumble Bee. It spouts lethal venom and shoots poisonous stingers. Left unchecked, it could destroy all of mankind." Zordon told us "We got to stop it." Trini stated "But the others, we can't just leave them there." Justin pointed out "Alpha will continue working on a solution to that problem, Rangers. It is up to you to head off Rita's monster." Zordon informed us "As much as I hate idea myself. We have to deal with this monster first." I reminded them "Your right Paul." Billy agreed "We better get moving then guys." Justin stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" I yelled out "SARCOSUCHUS!" Justin yelled out "DRAGONZORD!" I yelled out "TRICERATOPS!" Billy yelled out "SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!" Trini yelled out Once Morphed, Justin, Trini, Billy, and I teleported down to the other side of the park and came face to face with Grumble Bee. "There he is." Justin pointed out "Alright, it's time for you to buzz off, bee." Trini told it "Now, now. That's not very neighborly of you." Grumble told us "Yeah well, we don't want you in our neighborhood." I stated "Got that right, we wouldn't want you for a neighbor, right, Billy? Justin?" Trini questioned "Right, Trini." Billy agreed "You know it." Justin agreed "Alright guys, let's get this bee." I told them "Right." Trini, Billy, and Justin agreed Before we could charge in, Grumble Bee fired some of its stingers at us causing us to roll to the ground in different directions. "That bee sure didn't waste anytime." I mentioned We then see Grumble Bee fire more of its stingers but this time directing them all towards Billy. Hitting him straight on sending him back to the ground. "Billy." Justin called out "Are you all right?" Trini inquired Grumble Bee then fired his stingers at the rest of us. We all manage to dodge the stingers this time. Trini, Justin, and I then jumped into the air and tripled kicked Grumble Bee in the chest sending him flying to the ground. We then turned towards Billy. "Come on, Billy, high kick man." I called out "Hurry, Billy." Justin called out "Right. Here I come." Billy told us as he ran over towards us "Come on Billy, you can do it." Trini encouraged The three of us then put our hands together to form a makeshift trampoline. Billy then jumped up and jumped onto our hands as we then pushed him into the air. Bill goes to kick him but doesn't get far as he ends up falling to the ground quite a few feet away from Grumble Bee. Trini, Justin, and I quickly go over and help Billy. "Billy, what happened?" Trini wondered "Yeah, you never missed that before man." I added "It's the bee's venom, it's making me weak." Billy told us "Alright, just stay here and rest for a moment Billy." Trini advised "Don't worry, the rest of us will take this bee." Justin stated "You could keep trying little Rangers, but now you'll see why it's hopeless." Grumble Bee told us Before Trini, Justin, and I could advance towards Grumble Bee. He shot some yellow sound waves at us hitting us causing us to hear strong irritating buzzing sounds. We all hold our ears in pain. "What's this horrible sound?" Trini inquired "It's emitting some kind of ultrasonic tones." Billy muttered "Now you feel the effects of my secret powers you pathetic humans." Grumble Bee told us "There's no way we can fight it guys." Trini told us "Trini's right, we've got to get out of here." Justin added "Yeah, we better get back to the Command Center, maybe Zordon and Alpha will know how to defeat this bee." I stated "Yeah, let's go." Billy agreed We all then stood up and teleported out of the park to return to the Command Center. We had just teleported back into the Command Center and Powered down to normal with Justin returning to his normal height. "Zordon, the ultrasonic waves are too powerful." Justin stated "Justin's right, we have to find that monster's weakness." Billy agreed "Alpha is creating a special weapon for that purpose Power Rangers. Behold the Viewing Globe." Zordon told us We then turn towards the Viewing Globe to see the Grumble Bee again. "We had recently discovered that the Grumble Bee's main weakness is cold. Alpha is working on a device that will produce snow to notarize the bee's venom and weaken it." Zordon told us "At least we now know its weakness." Justin stated "What about the others?" Trini inquired "We have to go and try to free them." I stated "Good luck, Rangers and may the power protect you." Zordon told us Trini, Justin, Billy, and I then teleported out of the Command Center. We then teleported down to the other side of the park and look around to try and find the others. "There they are." Trini pointed out We all then rush over towards where Trini pointed towards to see Kimberly and the others tied up in a giant circle with energy rope. "Are we ever glad to see you guys." Jason told us We try to touch the energy rope but it shocks us causing us to pull our hands back from them. "Hurry you guys." Aisha stated "Hurry, please." Kimberly pleaded "Yeah these ropes are getting tighter." Angela added "Come on guys, do something." Zack mentioned They just continue to struggle as we try to figure out how to free them. Suddenly, our Communicators goes off. "Zordon, we can't get them free." I said into the Communicator "The situation has gotten worse. You, Trini, Billy, and Justin must Morph and battle the Grumble Bee again." Zordon said through the Communicators "But how can we leave them?" Trini questioned "You have to go." Rocky told us "Rocky's right, you four have to stop the monster. Now." Jason instructed "Affirmative Jason." Billy stated "We'll do our best guys." Justin added "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" I yelled out "SARCOSUCHUS!" Justin yelled out "DRAGONZORD!" I yelled out "TRICERATOPS!" Billy yelled out "SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!" Trini yelled out Once Morphed, we teleported back to the other side of the park where Grumble Bee was and spotted him. We then jump in the air and each throw a double punch at him hitting him at the same time sending him flying to the ground. "We're back to teach you a lesson bee face." Trini told it "You'd better bee-ware." Grumble Bee told us Grumble Bee then charge in at us and we began fighting it. He manage to dodge our attacks but we weren't able to as he knocked us to the ground one by one. He then turned his attentions towards Billy. "You've felt my sting, now taste my poison venom." Grumble Bee told Billy laughing Grumble Bee then sprayed some kind of yellow string at Billy. Billy tries to dodge it but can't as it covers him and he is sent to the ground. He then appears in pain and barely able to move. Justin, Trini, and I quickly rush over towards him. "Oh no, Billy." Justin called out "What is this stuff?" I inquired "Are you all right?" Trini wondered "I'm all right so far, but the venom is highly toxic. It's eating through my suit." Billy told us Trini, Justin, and I then stand in front of Billy protecting him as Grumble Bee slowly advances towards us. 'Man, we sure could us the other's help right about now.' I thought to myself Alpha had stop working on the device for a while and begun working on a way to untie the other Rangers. "I managed to loosen the force field Zordon, but they're still tied up." Alpha stated "Try focusing your energy beam on one small part of the rope Alpha." Zordon instructed Alpha pushed a few more buttons. "There, that did it." Alpha confirmed Suddenly, the energy ropes binding us stop glowing and became loose and we then shook it off of us. "We're free." Rocky stated "Thank goodness, that rope was getting way too tight." Aisha mentioned "For sure." Angela agreed Suddenly, our Communicators goes off. "We read you, Zordon." Jason said into the Communicator "Hopefully Alpha has freed you in time. You must Morph at once to help Justin, Paul, Trini, and Billy." Zordon said through the Communicators "Alright, I say we give Rita one of her own a lessons." Kat stated "I'm with you Kat, time to rumble." Zack stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Jason yelled out "ANKYLO!" Adam yelled out "STEGOSAURUS!" Kat yelled out "SPINOSAURUS!" Angela yelled out "RAPTOR!" Aisha yelled out "BRACHIOSAURUS!" Rocky yelled out "MASTODON!" Zack yelled out "PTERODACTYL!" I yelled out "TYRANNOSAURUS!" Jason yelled out Suddenly, we see Zack, Angela, Jason, Kimberly, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Kat Morphed with Zack, Jason, Rocky, and Adam kicking Grumble Bee to the ground and all of them gathering towards us. "Don't worry guys." Adam assured "Yeah, we're all here now." Jason added "And ready to fight this ugly Bee monster." Aisha stated "Oh you're all here now, but so are my swarm of Putties. Hahaha!" Grumble Bee told us laughing evilly The Putties then charge in towards us. "Come on Rangers, let's get them." Jason told us "Billy, just sit here and rest for a few moments." Trini told him "Yeah, we can take care of these freaks." Kimberly assured We all then charge in and begin fighting the Putties. Zack then jumps up into the air and grab a Putty by the head with his legs and then used his arms to grab another Putty by the head as well. "Hey, vacuum heads. Thanks for the lift, but no thanks." Zack told them Zack then used his legs to toss the Putty to the ground then drops the other Putty before kicking it to the ground. The other Rangers battling the Putties quickly made short work of the Putties around them and joined together facing Grumble Bee. "You Rangers are a pain in my wings." Grumble Bee told us "You're through, bee." Jason told it "Listen up, class." Grumble Bee told us Suddenly, he then fired those same yellow sound wave energy beams at us again hitting us in the head causing us to fall to the ground. We all then begin hearing those same ultrasonic noises again as we hold our heads in pain. "Oh man, I can't take much more of this." Zack muttered "This is just too much." Adam stated "Please make it stop." Kat pleaded "None of you will pass this test." Grumble Bee told us "Hang on, the effect will wear off like the venom did." Billy assured us as he quickly ran over towards us He then got in front of us as the ultrasonic sounds begin to fade. "You are going to pay for this." Billy told him "Oh, I'm shaking." Grumble Bee told him After having freed Kimberly and the other Rangers, Alpha had gone back to working on the special weapon to battle the Grumble Bee. Alpha quickly looked back at the blue prints for it. "Oh, I think I had the emulator on backwards." Alpha mentioned Alpha then used his special tool to run over the weapon once more. Sparks fly for a second as Alpha then puts the tool down and grabs the weapon. "Hasta la pizza, baby. Yippee, it works. This ought to do the trick, Zordon." Alpha told him "Good work Alpha, alert the Power Rangers that help is on the way." Zordon instructed Alpha then pushed the communication button on the main console. "I'm sending you some backup, Billy. This ought to even up the score." Alpha told him Alpha then holds up the device and it teleported out of his hands. Suddenly, the device that Alpha was working on earlier appeared in Billy's hands. "Thanks Alpha, I know just what to do." Billy thanked Billy then turned towards Grumble Bee. "Okay Grumble Bee, here's lesson number one." Billy told him pointing the device towards it "Oh no, you don't." Grumble Bee told him Before Grumble Bee could do anything, Billy fired the device at it firing some snow like stuff onto Grumble Bee. "Stop it, stop it." Grumble Bee pleaded as he got covered with snow "Yeah Billy." Trini stated "Way to go." Kimberly told him "Look, he's coming unglued." Justin mentioned "Let's put him down then." Jason stated "I'm with you Jase." I told him "Same here." Billy added The three of us then jumped into the air. I pulled out my Dragon Dagger as Billy pulled out his Power Lance, and Jason pulling out his Power Sword. We all then slash down upon Grumble Bee sending him crashing to the ground. "I'll show those Rangers. Time to make my monster, giant." Rita called out throwing her Magic Staff down towards Earth Suddenly, we see Rita's Magic Staff fall from the sky and landed next to Grumble Bee. The magic from that staff caused Grumble Bee to grow thirty stories tall. "Oh man, that's one giant ugly bee." Rocky mentioned "Yeah no kidding." Aisha agreed "I think it's time we called on the Zords Jason." Justin mentioned "Yeah I agree Justin. Alright Rangers, we need Dinozord power, now." Jason called out "Tyrannosaurs Dino Zord Power." Jason called out Just then the Tyrannosaurs Zord came out of the earth "Mastodon Dino Zord Power." Zack called out Just then the Mastodon Zord came out of the ice. "Triceratops Dino Zord Power." Billy called out Just then, the Triceratops Zord rolled along the desert. "Saber-Tooth Tiger Dino Zord Power." Trini called out Just then the Saber Tooth Tiger Zord ran along the jungle. "Pterodactyl Dino Zord Power." Kimberly called out Just then the Pterodactyl Zord came out of a volcano. "Brachiosaurus Dino Zord Power." Rocky called out Just then the Brachiosaurus Zord came walking out of the ocean. "Raptor Dino Zord Power." Aisha called out Just then the Raptor Zord came running out of the jungle. "Ankylo Dino Zord Power." Adam called out Just then the Ankylo Zord came walking out of the woods "Stegosaurus Dino Zord Power." Kat called out Just then the Stegosaurus Zord came charging out of the mountains "Spinosaurus Dino Zord Power." Angela called out Just then the Spinosaurus came rolling out of the dessert. "Sarcosuchus Dino Zord Power." Justin called out Just the the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord came walked out of the swamp. "All right, let's do it." Jason stated Jason then jumped up and hopped into the Tyrannosaurus Dino Zord's cockpit. "Rangers, log on." Jason called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Angela, Justin, and Kat then hopped up into their Zord's cockpits. "Zack here, it's time to jam." Zack called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Billy here, systems nominal." Billy called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Trini here, powered up and ready." Trini called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Kimberly here, you had it, pollen breath." Kimberly called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Rocky here, let's go." Rocky called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Aisha here, ready to rock." Aisha called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Adam here, ready to go." Adam called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Kat here, let's do this thing." Kat called out placing her hands on the controls front of her "Angela here, time to get rolling." Angela called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Justin here, I'm ready too." Justin called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Power Rangers. Power up your Crystals." Jason instructed as he powered up his own Crystal and inserted it into the console in front of him "Two, one, power up." Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, Justin, and Angela confirmed doing the same with their Crystals "Let's do this Rangers time to bring them together, Megazord power." Jason instructed Just then the Mastodon Zord transformed into arms with cannons out the front. Then the three Zords combined with the Tyrannosaurs Zord and the Pterodactyl Zord sat behind the T Rex's head. They all then ended up in the Megazord cockpit. As they rolled forward towards Grumble Bee. "Let's take this buzz head, guys." Jason told Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Trini "Right." Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini confirmed "This may sting a little Rangers." Grumble Bee told them Grumble Bee then fired its stingers at the Megazord in Tank Mode, but it just keeps rolling along. "We need more power. Initiating Megazord Battle Mode Morph Sequence now." Billy called out Just then the tank mode started to stand up. Turning the Saber Tooth Tiger and Triceratops Zords into legs and feet. The Mastodon became the arms while the Tyrannosaurus became the body. Just then the T Rex's head went into the Megazord and the Pterodactyl Zord became the chest shield and the head of the Megazord activated. "Megazord, power up." Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack called out "Alright guys, now it's our turn. Prehistoric Megazord power now." Rocky called out Just then the Brachiosaurus became the main body with the Stegosaurus and Spinosaurus Dino Zords became the legs and then with the Ankylo and Raptor Dino Zords becoming the arms with the Ankylo Zord arm being the drill. "Prehistoric Megazord online." Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, and Angela called out "Sarcosuchus, Dino Warrior Mode." Justin called out pushing down on the lever in front of him Just then the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord stood up on its back legs then its front legs turned into arms then the bottom jaw folded down showing a face. Then the Zord's tail turned into a Sword. "Power up." Justin called out "Time for Dragon Zord power." I called out I then begin playing the Dragon Dagger. Suddenly, the Dragon Zord rose from the ocean and arrived onto the battlefield. "Time for a little extra fire power." I mentioned I then placed the Dragon Dagger back into its holster. "I call upon Xavier." I called out raising my hand into the air Suddenly, Xavier appeared in my hand. "Alright, I need Gold Gorilla Thunder Zord power now." I called out raising Xaiver inot the air Just then, the Gold Gorilla Zord came barrowing down through the mountains. "Alright, you ready Xavier?" I inquired "I am ready when you are Green Ranger." Xaiver confirmed "Alright then, let's do it." I stated I then jump up and hop into the Gorilla Zord's cockpit. "Gold Gorilla Zord, convert to Warrior Mode now." I commanded placing Xavier into the slot in front of me Just then, the Gorilla Zord transformed into its Warrior Mode. "Oh yeah, powered up and ready for action." I called out "Time to bee done with you pesky Rangers." Grumble Bee told us Grumble Bee then charge in towards us. "Hang on guys." Jason instructed "Right." The rest of us agreed We then have our Zords advance towards Grumble Bee and begin fighting him. Grumble Bee dodges a few of our attacks but we manage to get some hits it. "Time to send you flying bee." I told him I then begin playing my Dragon Dagger. "Dragon Zord, use your tail whip now." I commanded I then play the Dragon Dagger again. The Dragon Zord then swung its tail at Grumble Bee sending it flying to the ground. Grumble Bee quickly stands back up and fires its stingers at us causing our Zords to stagger back a bit. "Come on guys, we need to get in a little closer." Jason told us "Right." We agreed We then advance our Zords back towards Grumble Bee. "What, do you want to slow dance? That's not how I get my kicks." Grumble Bee told us Grumble Bee then jumped into the air and does a double kick on the Megazord's chest sending staggering back towards our other Zords. "Here's a real blast for you guys." Grumble Bee told us Grumble Bee then fired his yellow sonic wave type blasts at us striking our Zords once more. "Jason, we got to back down." Zack stated Grumble Bee continues to blast our Zords with its yellow sonic wave blasts. Causing us to stagger back towards one another. "Hahahahaha! Yes, my plan is finally working. Those Rangers are finished." Rita cheered laughing evilly "We can't back off, just because we're in a little trouble. We have to keep trying." Billy urged "You're right Billy. Go and take it to him bro." Jason told him "Right, we need the Power Sword now." Billy called out Suddenly, the Power Sword came flying from the sky and landed on the ground near the Megazord. The Megazord then picks it up. "Your puny little sword can't save you." Grumble Bee stated The Megazord then slowly charged in towards Grumble Bee as we followed close behind. Following Billy's steps. "I bet that thing isn't even real." Grumble Bee threatened "Wanna bet?" Billy questioned The Megazord then slashed down on Grumble Bee a few times sending it to the ground. "Guys, let's attack him with everything we got and hit him in sync." Billy instructed "You got it Billy. Time power the Gorilla for a Thunderbolt attack." I stated I then grab a sphere from behind me and inserted it into the slot in front of me "Prehistoric Megazord Saber activate." Rocky called out Just then a Saber appeared in its right hand. "Activate Ankylo Drill." Rocky called out "Activating Ankylo Drill now." Adam confirmed pushing a button in front of him Just then the Ankylo Drill started spinning. "Gator Tail Saber." Justin called out Just then the Sarcosuchus Dino Warrior Mode drew out its Gator Tail Sword. "Dragon Zord, activate missiles." I called out I then play the Dragon Dagger. Suddenly, missile popped out of the Dragon Zord's fingertips. "All right Rangers, let's do it, just as Billy instructed." Jason instructed "Missiles fire." I commanded playing the Dragon Dagger "Gold Gorilla Thunderbolt fire." Xavier commanded "Energize Power Sword." Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack commanded "Prehistoric Double Strike." Kat, Angela, Adam, Aisha, and Rocky called out "Gator Slash attack." Justin commanded Just then, the missiles fired out of the Dragon Zord's fingertips, three fire balls fired out of the Gorilla's mouth all hitting the Bee at the same time. The Megazord then slashed down on Grumble Bee making it stagger back a bit more. Then, the Prehistoric Megazord Saber and the Gator Tail Sword started glowing and they charge in towards the staggering Grumble Bee. The Ankylo Drill goes through Grumble Bee's stomach and both sabers slash down over Grumble Bee sending it to the ground. Grumble Bee then struggles to get back up. "I haven't been defeated yet Rangers." Grumble Bee stated holding his drilled chest "Man, that sure is one tough Bee." Adam commented "It just doesn't know when to quit." Aisha added "How can we defeat this bee if it just won't stop?" Kat wondered "I have an idea. Paul, may I assist with you with the Dragon Zord and Gorilla Zord?" Billy inquired "You know it Billy." I told him "Alright, I'm on my way." Billy told me Billy then hopped out of the Megazord and jumped into the Gorilla Zord's cockpit. "Hey Billy, I think I know what your plan is. The main controls are all yours my friend." I told him stepping aside "Thanks Paul." Billy thanked Billy and I then switch places. "Mega Gorilla-Dragonzord begin transformation sequence now." Billy called out Just then, the Dragon Zord turned into the Gorilla Zord's shoulder pads. "Online." Billy and I called out "Time to put you on ice for good this time Grumble Bee." Billy told him Billy then grabs two spheres from behind us and hands me one and inserted the first one into the slot in front of him. "Ready when you are Billy." I confirmed I then do the same inserting the sphere Billy gave me into the slot next to me. "Power Ball fire." Billy and I commanded Just then a big power ball fired out of the Gorilla's mouth and hitting Grumble Bee straight on freezing him in place. "Yeah, great work bro." Zack stated "Yeah, that's really putting him on ice Billy." Kimberly added "Alright Billy, time for us to finish this bee off." I reminded him "Right Paul, I call on the power of Titanus." I called out Just then Titanus came rolling down through the mountains "Warrior Megazord, begin transformation sequence now." Billy called out Just then, the Dragon Zord turned into the Gorilla Zord's shoulder pads forming the Mega Gorilla-Dragonzord. Then, Titanus rose up, standing then the head came down and became attach to its chest. Then the Mega Gorilla-Dragonzord jumped into the center slot of Titanus with the Gorilla Zord becoming the arms. "Warrior Megazord online." Billy and I called out "Whoa, now that's a powerful looking Megazord." Justin mentioned "Warrior Mega Sword." Billy called out Just then the sword appeared. "Time to end this Bee for good." Billy mentioned Billy then grabbed a sphere and inserting it into the slot next to him. "No wait." Grumble Bee muttered in his frozen state "WARRIOR MEGA SWORD FLAMING SLASH." Billy and I shouted out Just then the Warrior Mega Sword turned into flames and slash down on Grumble Bee. His frozen body then falls to the ground and exploded. "Lamebrains. Another evil scheme down the drain, I hate those Power Rangers. Oh." Rita complained The next day, all of us were at the Youth Center hanging out and as Rocky, Jason, Zack, Adam, and I were sparring with one another. When we see Justin and Billy walk into the Youth Center happily. "Hey, I've got outstanding news." Billy told us We all stop what we were doing and looked at him. "What is it Billy?" Kimberly inquired "I got an 'A+' on the exam." Billy told us "And both Billy and I made the Young Scientists Club." Justin added "Alright." We all cheered "Sounds like your studying really paid off Billy." Jason mentioned "You both worked really hard Billy." Trini stated "Yeah the both of you really deserve it." I added "Thanks, guys." Billy thanked Rocky then looks over towards Juice Bar. "Hey guys, check this out." Rocky pointed out We all looked towards where Rocky was pointing towards and over at a table we see something that we thought we would never see, at least with Bulk and Skull. We all walked over towards their table to see them with their noses in text books. They both drop the books and hold their heads like they were in pain. Bulk looked towards us and got startled for a moment. "What are you guys staring at?" Bulk questioned "Are you two really studying?" Jason inquired "Stop ripping the book Skull." Billy told him "What does it look like, muscle brain?" Bulk questioned "Skull, stop it." Angela demanded But Skull doesn't listen as he just scribbles into the book with a hylighter and rips the page from the book "Look, good old Appleby said if I don't average an 'C' or better on the rest of the tests for the remainder of the school year, she'll make the twelve top students in the class tutor me for the whole summer." Bulk told us We all look at each other after he said that. "One, two, three, four, five six?" Adam counted Rocky, Aisha, Angela, Justin, Kat, then him "Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven." I continued to count, counting Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and myself looking a bit nervous Zack then looked at us nervously. "Twelve?" Zack wondered pointing towards himself We all look at each other realizing that Miss. Appleby was referring to the twelve of us. Not wanting to spend our entire summer tutoring Bulk and Skull we quickly joined them at their table. "Let me give you a hand with that Bulk." Jason told him "Yeah." Trini agreed "I'll be happy to help you study Bulk." I told him "I can certainly advise you fellows on the subject." Billy assured "I'm sure we can help you guys get an average 'C' grade." Kimberly told them "Where there's a will, there is a way right Trini?" Zack inquired "Right." Trini agreed "We'll make sure you guys won't have to spend your whole summer being tutored." Aisha assured "Aisha's right, I'm sure you guys wouldn't want to be coopted up inside all summer long." Kat added As we franticly help Bulk and Skull with studying, they both just freak out being crowded like this.