  • Halloween Horror Nights: Ripped from the Silver Screen
  • Ripped from the Silver Screen's theme surrounds a mysterious old movie theater, the Universal Palace Theater. The Icon of the event is appropriately called The Usher, or Julian Browning , a mysterious, undead usher who haunts and cares for the theater. The Universal Palace itself seems to be an evil entity-- it "attacks" those who do not show it respect, as Julian warns as he enters vistors to the website.
  • Ripped from the Silver Screen's theme surrounds a mysterious old movie theater, the Universal Palace Theater. The Icon of the event is appropriately called The Usher, or Julian Browning , a mysterious, undead usher who haunts and cares for the theater. The Universal Palace itself seems to be an evil entity-- it "attacks" those who do not show it respect, as Julian warns as he enters vistors to the website.