  • Investigate the Widow herself
  • From: [[]] The lamps are rarely lit in the Widow's home, but she is only occasionally absent... [Find the rest of the story at ]
Fate Cost
  • 3
Success title
  • The Gracious Widow has an appointment at the Shuttered Palace
Failure title
  • My, this is awkward
  • 40
Failure description
  • You aren't the only person privy to the Gracious Widow's schedule. As you search [...] two giggling servants sneak in and collapse on the bed. You happen to be under it [...]. Once they've finished [...] You take your slight concussion and head home.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A visit to the Gracious Widow
Success description
  • You slip in through a window... ...portraits hang on the wall. In the first stand a stern man, a young girl, and a woman. [...] You look at the second. The man is gone, the girl is grown, but the woman looks exactly the same. What is in that brandy?
  • The lamps are rarely lit in the Widow's home, but she is only occasionally absent...
  • From: [[]] The lamps are rarely lit in the Widow's home, but she is only occasionally absent... [Find the rest of the story at ]