  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Lieutenant Neav Samran was a heavyset Human male officer of the Lorrd Security Forces as of 40 ABY. A brown-haired moustached man approaching middle-ages, Samran was an affiliate of Jedi Nelani Dinn, the Knight stationed on Lorrd, his home planet. During a visit by Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker, Samran witnessed a rise in Jedi-related crimes and suicide attempts, including sightings of Force ghosts - including Borth Pazz and Ordith Huarr. Samran and his officers aided the three Jedi in their resolutions, and impounded Brisha Syo and her vessel on the advice on young Skywalker.
  • El teniente Neav Samran era un oficial humano de las Fuerzas de Seguridad de Lorrd en el 40 DBY. Un hombre de bigote y cabello café cerca de la madurez, Samran era un afiliado de la Jedi Nelani Dinn, la Caballero apostada en Lorrd, su planeta natal.
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • Neav Samran
  • El teniente Neav Samran era un oficial humano de las Fuerzas de Seguridad de Lorrd en el 40 DBY. Un hombre de bigote y cabello café cerca de la madurez, Samran era un afiliado de la Jedi Nelani Dinn, la Caballero apostada en Lorrd, su planeta natal. Durante una visita de Jacen Solo y Ben Skywalker, Samran fue testigo de un ascenso en el número de crímenes relacionados con los Jedi e intentos de suicidio, incluyendo avistamientos de fantasmas de la Fuerza, como Borth Pazz y Ordith Huarr. Samran y sus oficiales ayudaron a los tres Jedi en sus resoluciones, y confiscaron la nave de Brisha Syo con su dueña a bordo aconsejados por el joven Skywalker.
  • Lieutenant Neav Samran was a heavyset Human male officer of the Lorrd Security Forces as of 40 ABY. A brown-haired moustached man approaching middle-ages, Samran was an affiliate of Jedi Nelani Dinn, the Knight stationed on Lorrd, his home planet. During a visit by Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker, Samran witnessed a rise in Jedi-related crimes and suicide attempts, including sightings of Force ghosts - including Borth Pazz and Ordith Huarr. Samran and his officers aided the three Jedi in their resolutions, and impounded Brisha Syo and her vessel on the advice on young Skywalker.