  • S.H.I.E.L.D. (Earth-928.2)
  • SHIELD was created by Doom when he first invaded the Corporations' United States of America. He fused together all police forces, such as the Public Eye, the Eco-Cop and the Watchdogs. He appointed the Punisher, Jake Gallows, as head of this new police, who put his brutal law in place. SHIELD was quickly named the Punishment Police. When the Punisher became crazy over his former ally Matt Axel's rebellion, he was seen as a menace by Doom, who informed his agent in SHIELD to kick him out of the organization and kill him.
  • President Rogers, Herod, formerly the Punisher (Jake Gallows), President Doom
  • One Nation Under Doom SHIELD was created by Doom when he first invaded the Corporations' United States of America. He fused together all police forces, such as the Public Eye, the Eco-Cop and the Watchdogs. He appointed the Punisher, Jake Gallows, as head of this new police, who put his brutal law in place. SHIELD was quickly named the Punishment Police. When the Punisher became crazy over his former ally Matt Axel's rebellion, he was seen as a menace by Doom, who informed his agent in SHIELD to kick him out of the organization and kill him. Jillian Wong, Gallows' assistant was knocked out to prevent her from helping him. She was rescued by him and facilitated his evacuation from Earth to space. 2099 A.D. Apocalypse After Waves-spiders attack on the White House, SHIELD quickly moved side, and under Herod's control and President Rogers, was used to annihilate the super-human community, terminating the Punisher (Jake Gallows), Hulk (John Eisenhart), Metalscream (John Flamel), his apprentice Litany Kirkpatrick, and Galahad (Ethan Shields). NyFax and many media stations who had received images of the various heroes' execution from an unknown source, revealed to be SHIELD itself, were then shut down and their staff quickly executed by firing squads. SHIELD had purposefully sent those images to the media to see which of them were "unamerican." Herod additionally put the order to terminate all captured mutants in the inhabited areas. Revolt When Green Goblin 2099 leads a revolt against Herod and President Rogers, who he proves is a fake. Iron Man 2099 joins the Heroes of 2099 take up the fight, along with the mutants. As they fight Waves-spiders and SHIELD troopers to get to the "Red House". Doom left Halo City and headed to Washington D.C. Back at the capitol, Doom used nanotech robots to take apart the Red House, along with everyone inside, including the fake Captain America, then used the same robots to eat away at Herod, sentencing him to a life of constant pain. Then, after putting Shakti Haddad in charge of the young mutant team, X-Nation, Doom used a hidden teleporter to travel back to Latveria to rebuild his home nation and Shield 2099 disbanded. Rebuilding Hope America was now free of both Megacrops control and Doom, time to rebuild a nation. Stark/Fujikawa Industries Inc. was taken back by Andros Stark the future grandson of Tony Stark, He changes the name Stark/Fujikawa Industries into Stark International 2099. He makes Michael Rogers Osborn a new CEO along with Dr. Ilya Faro (Earth-928.2) and they start helping the people rebuild.New Shield 2099 Andros Stark funds a rebuilds SHIELD 2099 as NEW SHIELD 2099 ran by Green Goblin 2099 but bases it on Nick Fury's Shield of the 21st century. Agents to protect the world. This SHIELD help relation with mutants and humans to get better. Also stopping Doom from trying to rule the world again and fighting new threats. Recruited a new hero called The Mandarin 2099 and hired Matt Axel and Jillian Wong. Also Shield had many heroes and mutants.
  • Gathering of all American police forces under President Doom's order
  • Officer Saffron , Chayse, Kowalski
  • Punisher (Jake Gallows), Cadet Punisher Jillian Wong, Michael Rogers Osborn (Earth-928.2) Green Goblin 2099]]
  • Disbanded
  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Jets-pack, Spider-Waves, etc.
  • Punishment Police, SHIELD 2099
  • Public
  • Guns of different kinds, including: * Paralysers * HERF weapons: High Energy Radio Frequencies * Ludgate: Guns who reduce to nothing the radiation of magic.
  • Doom, Black Cabinet, the Punisher (Jake Gallows), the Punisher (Gold Heart), Matt Axel, Hulk (John Eisenhart), Metalscream (John Flamel), Litany Kirkpatrick, Galahad (Ethan Shields), Cyber-Nostra, NyFax, other "unamerican" media, Mutants
  • Earth-928.2
  • * Xavier's Nightmare * Inhibitor Spikes: Massive spike to be planted in mutants' bodies, nullifying their powers.
  • SHIELD was created by Doom when he first invaded the Corporations' United States of America. He fused together all police forces, such as the Public Eye, the Eco-Cop and the Watchdogs. He appointed the Punisher, Jake Gallows, as head of this new police, who put his brutal law in place. SHIELD was quickly named the Punishment Police. When the Punisher became crazy over his former ally Matt Axel's rebellion, he was seen as a menace by Doom, who informed his agent in SHIELD to kick him out of the organization and kill him. Jillian Wong, Gallows' assistant was knocked out to prevent her from helping him. She was rescued by him and facilitated his evacuation from Earth to space.