  • Milic, Tomislav
  • -Tom does not believe in any particular god, but he's not above praying on the off-chance that something is listening. Usually for retribution upon his enemies. -He currently owns 97 excellent shirts, which are neatly hung in his Dark Sith Closet. -Despite the preceding Fun Fact, he is straight. -His favourite colour is lemon yellow, his favourite food is the heart of a vanquished foe. -He hates Terra Drakontas with the fire of a thousand suns. Also he thinks she's kinda cute.Background Tom FAQ Q: WTH accent/language/name is that?: Q: Is he actually a prince? A: Because a witch told him to. A: Yes.
  • Blue
  • Sith
Full Name
  • Tomislav Milic
  • 24
  • Dark Brown
  • Tom Milic
  • 73.0
  • Alias
  • 9.0
  • Human
  • Disciple
  • -
  • Father: Efthier Somn
  • Mother: Ljeka Milic
  • Azure II
  • -
  • -Tom does not believe in any particular god, but he's not above praying on the off-chance that something is listening. Usually for retribution upon his enemies. -He currently owns 97 excellent shirts, which are neatly hung in his Dark Sith Closet. -Despite the preceding Fun Fact, he is straight. -His favourite colour is lemon yellow, his favourite food is the heart of a vanquished foe. -He hates Terra Drakontas with the fire of a thousand suns. Also he thinks she's kinda cute.Background Here you can list the events of your characters past. Tell us all about your characters history and past actions.Tom FAQ Q: WTH accent/language/name is that?: A: Every Eastern Bloc everything! Tom is like many Bond villains in that he has no discernible nationality. His name is Serb/Croat, ‘tovarisch’ and a few other things are Russian, most of the foreign language words he uses are Czech. His accent is stupid and unrealistic, in that he has an excellent vocabulary and very poor grammar. This is purely for fun. Q: Is he actually a prince? A: No. Terra Drakontas and her family are the actual, historical rulers of Azure II. Tom believes he is entitled to princehood because his mother has some tenuous genetic links to the throne, and because a witch once told him he deserved to be one. His father was an offworlder - Efthier Somn, the ruler instated during the brief Imperial rule of Azure. Q: Why is he carrying that stupid broken sword? A: Because a witch told him to. Q: Does he actually like Ilom? A: Maybe. He does like having someone to push around. That’s kinda like friendship, isn’t it? Q: Are you sure it’s a good idea for your idiot-baby-princeling-Sith to face me in battle? A: Yes.Family Here you can list your characters Family and close Friends. Tell us about the people that are most important to your character.