  • Space Gem (Earth-981)
  • This Gem is a powerful Artifact created by Odin which holds great power. This Gem could be use to alter time, Reality and space(for only skilled users only)and could tear open portals to different parts of the Universe and to different Dimensions of the Twelve Worlds.It was later held care of The Kree Empire.
  • unique
  • *Hydra Leader Red Skull along with German Scientist Dr. Armin Zola managed to obtain this Gem and create Creations and weapons with this Power and was able to also open a portal to Jotunheim to Unleash Mythical Creatures on Earth to win WWII,But this was later foiled by Captain America and His Invaders. *This Gem could also allows skilled users to jump between Parallel Universes and dimensions throughout the Multiverse.
  • This Gem is a powerful Artifact created by Odin which holds great power. This Gem could be use to alter time, Reality and spaceand could tear open portals to different parts of the Universe and to different Dimensions of the Twelve Worlds.It was later held care of The Kree Empire. During the great Kree War, The Skrulls manages to obtain this Gem for Power, but without the proper handle, the Gem opened a portal to Midgard, sucking the Gem and some Skrull soldiers through it. now The Skrulls are Currently finding the Gem in the of 1940's while in disguised in Human beings. Later on The Red Skull will find and obtain this Gem. World War ii The 1940's were a tumultuous time on Earth. Hydra forces occupied much of Central Europe, including Latveria, making gains in unconventional warfare. Their leader Johann Schmidt actually managed to maintain The Space Gem AKA iso-1. Johann wanted to use the Space Gem to create weapons with unmatched power and to open a portal to Jotunheim and planned to unleash an an army of Mythological Monsters and Frost Giants upon the World and also, trying to bomb America. After Skull was defeated, Cap lands Skull's bombing rocket in the icy Arctic Ocean. Howard Stark, who had assisted with Erskine's program went on to develop numerous advances in technology. Learning from the recovered iso-1, he went on to develop prototype arc reactors, powerful sources of energy in their own right. He eventually died in a car accident, leaving his business empire to his young son, Tony, and Stark Industries grew into a world renowned supplier of weapons technology.
  • FaKeRoBiN46
  • This Asgardian artifact was created by Odin which has great power and to allow the user to tear open a random wormhole to different dimensions and other parts of the Universe. it is later held care of the kree empire.
  • Jotunheim Skrulls
  • Ultiverse: Avengers #3
  • Space Gem
  • Ultivers:Captain America #1
  • The Alps, The last Hydra Base, New York City
  • iso-1, item to parallel worlds
  • unique
  • Space Gem
  • Red Skull, S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark, Bruce Banner,Hank Pym, Skrull soldier, Korvac
  • Odin
  • Earth-981
  • Asgard
  • History
  • This Gem is a powerful Artifact created by Odin which holds great power. This Gem could be use to alter time, Reality and space(for only skilled users only)and could tear open portals to different parts of the Universe and to different Dimensions of the Twelve Worlds.It was later held care of The Kree Empire. During the great Kree War, The Skrulls manages to obtain this Gem for Power, but without the proper handle, the Gem opened a portal to Midgard, sucking the Gem and some Skrull soldiers through it. now The Skrulls are Currently finding the Gem in the of 1940's while in disguised in Human beings. Later on The Red Skull will find and obtain this Gem.