  • Malkier
  • Malkier
  • Malkier
  • Malkier
  • Malkier war Teil der Grenzlande und lag nördlich von Shienar. Das Zeichen von Malkier war ein goldener Kranich. Malkieri-Männer können erkannt werden an einem geflochtenen Lederband namens Hadori, das sie tragen. Die Nation wurde 955 NÄ von der Fäule verschlungen, was Schienar zum nördlichsten der Grenzlande machte.
  • Malkier was tot voor kort het vijfde van de Grenslanden. Malkier lag ten noorden van Arafel en Shienar, waardoor Shienar in die tijd geen echt grensland was. Malkier was het noordelijkste land van de Westlanden en werd geregeerd vanuit de Zeven Torens. Tarwin's Kloof lag binnen de grenzen van Malkier. Bij Zeven Torens lag een saidinpoort die nu door de Duistere word gebruikt. De laatste koning van Malkier was al'Akir Mandragoran. De vrouw van zijn broer, Cowin Gemallen, verried Malkier aan de Schaduw. Trolloks veroverden het land en de Verwording slokte het op. Echter, koningszoon al'Lan Mandragoran leeft nog steeds als erfgenaam van Malkier en voert een oorlog tegen de Schaduw. Veel gevluchte Malkieri nemen in de andere Grenslanden de gebruiken van dat land aan.
  • Malkier is a former nation in the Blight. It used to be one of the Borderlands, until the Blight swallowed it. Lan Mandragoran is the last survivor of its royal family.
  • The nation of Malkier was a former province of Artur Hawkwing's Empire, forged out of the earlier kingdom of Rhamdashar. Governor Shevar Jamelle declared the province to be a sovereign kingdom very early in the War of the Hundred Years, forging an alliance with the other Borderlands against both the Shadow in the north and the threat of interference by other nations to the south.
  • Lo scomparso regno di Malkier era particolarmente montuoso e si trovava a nord dello Shienar; cominciò a venire inghiottito dalla Grande Macchia verso l’anno 953 della Nuova Era, lo stesso anno in cui nacque al’Lan Mandragoran figlio di re al'Akir Mandragoran e della regina el'Leanna. Le Sette Torri erano la fortezza chiave del regno e probabilmente la sede dei re, ma caddero in seguito ad un tradimento. Gli uomini del Malkier portavano per costume capelli lunghi, tenuti raccolti indossando attorno al capo una fascetta di cuoio intrecciato, chiamato hadori. Le donne portavano capelli molto lunghi e fluenti sulle spalle, inoltre come segno distintivo, si dipingevano una piccola macchia in mezzo alla fronte, detta ki'sain, di colore blu le fanciulle, rosso le donne sposate e bianco le vedove
  • King Lan Mandragoran
  • Malkier
  • Blight border
  • Malkieri
  • 955
  • 953
  • Golden crane in flight
  • The nation of Malkier was a former province of Artur Hawkwing's Empire, forged out of the earlier kingdom of Rhamdashar. Governor Shevar Jamelle declared the province to be a sovereign kingdom very early in the War of the Hundred Years, forging an alliance with the other Borderlands against both the Shadow in the north and the threat of interference by other nations to the south. Malkier endured against the Shadow for almost a thousand years, until it was destroyed in 955 NE. Lain Mandragoran, the brother of King al'Akir Mandragoran, took five thousand lancers to the Blasted Lands as part of a wager laid by his wife Breyan and was killed. Al'Akir's refusal to support Lain's foolishness saw Breyan plot to have him and his young son Lan killed so her own son Isam could take the throne. Cowin Gemallan, a Malkieri noble but also a Darkfriend, supported Breyan's plan and attempted a coup against al'Akir. The coup failed, but the Blightborder forts were stripped bare and a major Shadowspawn invasion was able to break through the lines. Breyan and Isam were apparently killed and much of the kingdom laid waste, although the famed scout Jain Charin, already called Farstrider, was able to take Gemallen prisoner and bring him back to the Seven Towers to face al'Akir in single combat, where he was killed. Al'Akir abdicated the throne to his son Lan, anointing him a Diademed Battle Lord, and sent him south to Shienar to be raised in safety, before rallying the last of the Malkieri to fight the Shadow. Al'Akir was killed, Malkier was overrun, the Seven Towers were destroyed, and the Blightborder was pushed a hundred miles or more to the south, until troops from the other Borderlands met the Shadowspawn at the Stair of Jehaan and turned them back. Malkier was——up until the Last Battle was won—desolate wilderness, overrun by the Blight. The Thousand Lakes were poisonous and inhabited by foul creatures, while the Seven Towers were toppled ruins. Despite this, Malkier's reputation for martial excellence and stalwart defense against the Shadow remained incredibly powerful. It was known that thousands would flock to Lan Mandragoran's cause—and thousands did—when he lifted the Crane Banner once more. Al'Lan Mandragoran did indeed raise the Crane Banner and rode for Tarwin's Gap and Tarmon Gai'don, with an increasingly huge host from across the Borderlands riding with him. At the defeat of the Dark One, the Blight all but vanished and Malkier once more became a sovereign nation, ruled by Lan with his Queen, Nynaeve al'Meara, by his side.
  • Malkier war Teil der Grenzlande und lag nördlich von Shienar. Das Zeichen von Malkier war ein goldener Kranich. Malkieri-Männer können erkannt werden an einem geflochtenen Lederband namens Hadori, das sie tragen. Die Nation wurde 955 NÄ von der Fäule verschlungen, was Schienar zum nördlichsten der Grenzlande machte.
  • Lo scomparso regno di Malkier era particolarmente montuoso e si trovava a nord dello Shienar; cominciò a venire inghiottito dalla Grande Macchia verso l’anno 953 della Nuova Era, lo stesso anno in cui nacque al’Lan Mandragoran figlio di re al'Akir Mandragoran e della regina el'Leanna. Le Sette Torri erano la fortezza chiave del regno e probabilmente la sede dei re, ma caddero in seguito ad un tradimento. Gli uomini del Malkier portavano per costume capelli lunghi, tenuti raccolti indossando attorno al capo una fascetta di cuoio intrecciato, chiamato hadori. Le donne portavano capelli molto lunghi e fluenti sulle spalle, inoltre come segno distintivo, si dipingevano una piccola macchia in mezzo alla fronte, detta ki'sain, di colore blu le fanciulle, rosso le donne sposate e bianco le vedove. Queste usanze sono state mantenute da alcuni Malkieri che si sono rifugiati nelle altre Terre di confine. Stendardo del Malkier: una gru dorata che spicca il volo
  • Malkier was tot voor kort het vijfde van de Grenslanden. Malkier lag ten noorden van Arafel en Shienar, waardoor Shienar in die tijd geen echt grensland was. Malkier was het noordelijkste land van de Westlanden en werd geregeerd vanuit de Zeven Torens. Tarwin's Kloof lag binnen de grenzen van Malkier. Bij Zeven Torens lag een saidinpoort die nu door de Duistere word gebruikt. De laatste koning van Malkier was al'Akir Mandragoran. De vrouw van zijn broer, Cowin Gemallen, verried Malkier aan de Schaduw. Trolloks veroverden het land en de Verwording slokte het op. Echter, koningszoon al'Lan Mandragoran leeft nog steeds als erfgenaam van Malkier en voert een oorlog tegen de Schaduw. Veel gevluchte Malkieri nemen in de andere Grenslanden de gebruiken van dat land aan.
  • Malkier is a former nation in the Blight. It used to be one of the Borderlands, until the Blight swallowed it. Lan Mandragoran is the last survivor of its royal family.
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