  • Fellowship of the Black Mass (Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned)
  • The Fellowship of the Black Mass is a cult who worships Satan. They are lead by a Cult Priest and meet in a church just outside Boston. They recruited a woman named Dolores who was looking for companionship and didn't believe in the occult. She then volunteered to be Satan's bride cause she thought it would be fun. However, Count Dracula fooled them into believing he was Satan and stole the woman. Satan told the priest the truth and they planned their revenge for a year. The cult lured Dracula, Dolores, and their son Janus to the church where they tried to kill him. However, Janus was killed so Dracula killed the priest and destroyed much of the church. It is unknown what happened to the rest of the cult.
  • Fellowship of the Black Mass
  • The Fellowship of the Black Mass is a cult who worships Satan. They are lead by a Cult Priest and meet in a church just outside Boston. They recruited a woman named Dolores who was looking for companionship and didn't believe in the occult. She then volunteered to be Satan's bride cause she thought it would be fun. However, Count Dracula fooled them into believing he was Satan and stole the woman. Satan told the priest the truth and they planned their revenge for a year. The cult lured Dracula, Dolores, and their son Janus to the church where they tried to kill him. However, Janus was killed so Dracula killed the priest and destroyed much of the church. It is unknown what happened to the rest of the cult. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.