  • Billy Empty Handed
  • (Out of the computer lab, the guys talk to Billy about him stalking Gwen) BILLY:Are you freakin' kidding me? So you're saying I was stalking her?TONY:Yeah. That's the truth.BILLY (sees Gwen coming):Oh shoot. You guys gotta hide me. I'm gonna get massacred!AJ:Hide yourself dummy. (Billy exits, by hiding behind the door. Gwen enters the scene)
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Series Name
  • Billy Empty Handed
  • (Out of the computer lab, the guys talk to Billy about him stalking Gwen) BILLY:Are you freakin' kidding me? So you're saying I was stalking her?TONY:Yeah. That's the truth.BILLY (sees Gwen coming):Oh shoot. You guys gotta hide me. I'm gonna get massacred!AJ:Hide yourself dummy. (Billy exits, by hiding behind the door. Gwen enters the scene) GWEN:Hi.TONY:Hi. (clears throat) Do I know you from before?GWEN:I dunno. Do I know you from before? My gosh. As if it was like we never met in like, years.TONY:I know.BILLY:(while still behind the door, getting Gwen's attention by making noise.) (coughs)GWEN:Do you hear something?TONY:What? No. Of course not.GWEN:That's strange. It sounded like someone was coughing behind the door. Is there someone behind the door?BILLY:Oh s-! Alright. Alright. You got me. What do you want?GWEN:So let me guess, you were following me?BILLY (in a weak voice):Yes.GWEN:I don't believe it. You? As my stalker? I should press charges on you you know. I heard you followed me everywhere. You also stalked me on MySpace. Plus, you followed me on Facebook and Twitter like crazy. That really scared me to death. BILLY (stammering nervously):But-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I really want to take you out on a date to the Homecoming Dance next month.GWEN:I'm sorry Mr. "whoever-you-are", but I really have to hate to tell you this but my dad told me to tell you that he doesn't want me to be near you, see you nor talk to you.BILLY:Why is that?GWEN:Because he said so.BILLY:Say what?! That's so unfair. Shoot!GWEN:He also put me on a restraining order against you so you can stay away from me.BILLY (to himself):Holy crap. I'm so doomed.GWEN:I can be a very mean girl and I can do some really mean things.BILLY (confused):Huh?GWEN:Look and listen. I definitely don't want to go out with you to the Homecoming Dance and I definitely will not be going out with you on dates neither. I'm sorry sweetie. Nice seeing you though. I'm just not girlfriend material, for you. Sorry bud. (Gwen exits Billy's conversation and scene)BILLY:Did she just call me "sweetie"? Awkward. Boy, I'm so toast. She is such a foxy chick.AJ:She's only 38-years-old stupid!BILLY:I knew that.
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