  • Imperial Depot 4290-1
  • The depot was built in two sections - the depot itself, and the landing field. The depot was a series of modular buildings consisting of little more than barracks, storage area, and AT-ST storage hangars. The depot was surrounded by a permacrete ditch. The landing field was away from the depot, connected by a road. The landing field had twenty-five TIE racks, command and control buildings, hangars and fuel tank storage. The landing field itself was big enough to land a Corellian corvette on, and still have room for other ships.
  • The depot was built in two sections - the depot itself, and the landing field. The depot was a series of modular buildings consisting of little more than barracks, storage area, and AT-ST storage hangars. The depot was surrounded by a permacrete ditch. The landing field was away from the depot, connected by a road. The landing field had twenty-five TIE racks, command and control buildings, hangars and fuel tank storage. The landing field itself was big enough to land a Corellian corvette on, and still have room for other ships. The standard complement of the base was 1,500 personnel, but when Sarne stranded some of his least loyal troops there, the contingent was increased to 2,000. The depot had only five old TIE/LN starfighters and four cargo shuttles available to it.
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