  • Political correctness
  • Political correctness
  • right|thumb|300px|Politisch korrekte Zusammensetzung eines repräsentativen Gremiums. Bei der political correctness (PC) handelt es sich um eine der segensreichsten Erfindungen der neueren Menschheitsgeschichte. Die Grundidee besteht darin, dass wir doch alle Individuen sind, die eigentlich nichts anderes wollen als Friede, Freude und Eierkuchen (von Sex, Drugs und Rock'n Roll, sowie dem einen oder anderen Gewaltausbruch mal abgesehen, siehe Burn-Auto-Syndrom). Auch fanatische Terroristen und Massenmörder sind ja, wie der Gutmensch weiß, eigentlich nur fehlgeleitete Unterdrückte und tief leidende Kreaturen - selbst nur Opfer von irgendwem oder irgendwas, die den Ermordeten gar nichts Böses tun wollen. Die Terroristen wollen nur zartfühlend auf ihr Leid aufmerksam machen, das vom bösen Weste
  • Political correctness was invented for niggers, bitches, fags and retards. AIDS is good because it kills off all those dirty Niggers. All non-"white straight working for the man and having two kids in a nice family with a picket fence and a dog Christian males" should be killed *ahem* Political correctness was brought in for blacks, women, gays and disabled people. People who follow PC should be killed. Black people should die. You are making me self censor myself bitch- *AHEM* *AHEM* DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECT HOUND - *no no not the face AHHHHHHHHHH*
  • Political correctness (or PC) is a typically pejorative term for language or policies seen as excessively calculated not to offend others. It is sometimes used to describe anything identified as feminist, anti-racist, or otherwise anti-oppressive. Most feminists object to the term. Some see it as a way of derailing conversations about marginalized identities. The term "political correctness" is generally used to describe others. It may connote: Acts that might be described as "political correctness" include:
  • 5510053
  • 2012-05-26
  • Political correctness (or PC) is a typically pejorative term for language or policies seen as excessively calculated not to offend others. It is sometimes used to describe anything identified as feminist, anti-racist, or otherwise anti-oppressive. Most feminists object to the term. Some see it as a way of derailing conversations about marginalized identities. The term "political correctness" is generally used to describe others. It may connote: * Moral peacocking. Those who speak in a "politically correct" fashion are often seen as trying to show off, gain esteem in anti-oppression communities, or "punch down" at people less familiar with progressive discourse. * Style over substance. Progressive users of the term may see efforts against offensive speech as a "politically correct" distraction from feminist issses they believe are more substantive, such as physical safety and economic equality. * Bending to the will of progressive politics. Users of the term often presume that people who are careful with their speech are not honoring their own opinions. * Censorship or silencing of speech opposed to progressive politics * Suppression of "harmless" individuality and existing cultural traits [clarify?] * Support for affirmative action at the level of individuals as well as organizations * Humorlessness, especially if the objection is to potentially marginalizing humor which often upholds the status quo at the expense of others. ("Punching down" vs "punching up") * 'Unnatural' use of language According to its critics, political correctness is opposed to freedom of expression. Commentators may use 'political correctness' to imply the existence of mainstream legal or political power structure enforcing politically correct behaviour or even thought. Examples of such structures in reality (for example, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws) may be portrayed as unacceptable infringements on personal autonomy. Acts that might be described as "political correctness" include: * any call for less of certain kinds of speech (for example, pejorative speech) * using gender neutral terms, or even gender-agreeing terms, for roles that might be occupied by a woman (eg "chair" or "chairperson" or "chairwoman" for "chairman") * describing a person or their behavior as sexist or racist or otherwise discriminatory it contains usage of negative stereotypes, or pejorative terms/descriptions of women and/or other minority groups * any opinions supportive of anti-oppressive behavior, people, or movements Accusations of political correctness can be used disingenuously to silence people, since being "politically correct" in some circles makes one automatically in the wrong. In geek circles where complete personal autonomy is frequently viewed as the ultimate good, this is particularly so. Accusations may also be used by people who believe mindfulness of others when choosing language and terminology is somehow harmful to public discourse. Sometimes users of political correctness equate it with censorship, even if they are objecting to a call for voluntary silence, rather than actual silencing.
  • right|thumb|300px|Politisch korrekte Zusammensetzung eines repräsentativen Gremiums. Bei der political correctness (PC) handelt es sich um eine der segensreichsten Erfindungen der neueren Menschheitsgeschichte. Die Grundidee besteht darin, dass wir doch alle Individuen sind, die eigentlich nichts anderes wollen als Friede, Freude und Eierkuchen (von Sex, Drugs und Rock'n Roll, sowie dem einen oder anderen Gewaltausbruch mal abgesehen, siehe Burn-Auto-Syndrom). Auch fanatische Terroristen und Massenmörder sind ja, wie der Gutmensch weiß, eigentlich nur fehlgeleitete Unterdrückte und tief leidende Kreaturen - selbst nur Opfer von irgendwem oder irgendwas, die den Ermordeten gar nichts Böses tun wollen. Die Terroristen wollen nur zartfühlend auf ihr Leid aufmerksam machen, das vom bösen Westen, nicht aber von den korrupten arabischen Regimen verursacht werde, aus dem sie selbst stammen. Es ist ganz einfach, politisch korrekt zu sein. Man braucht eigentlich nur ständig darauf zu achten, nichts zu äußern oder zu tun, was irgendeinen anderen Mitmenschen (oder einem anderen Lebewesen, oder Pflanze, oder Stein), der oder die - bitte entschuldigen Sie(!) die oder der (Frauen zuerst! - oder gibt es hier eine feminismus- und gender-mainstreaming-gerechte Ausdrucksweise) irgendwo in der Nachbarschaft oder der näheren oder weiteren Umgegend, eigentlich irgendwo auf diesem Planeten (oder unserem Sonnensystem), also irgendwo oder irgendwie verletzen oder beleidigen könnte. Hierbei muss beachtet werden, dass Aussagen auch dann "politically incorrect", also vermeintlich beleidigend sind, wenn tatsächliche Missstände angesprochen werden - oft wird es dann nur noch schlimmer und beleidigender. Am einfachsten ist es natürlich, man sagt und tut nichts und denkt sich seinen Teil. Nein! Halt! Stopp! Das wäre womöglich nicht politisch korrekt. Denken sie nur positiv über ihre Mitmenschen! Und zwar über alle anderen - und das immer! Selbst über den blöden Nachbarn, notorische Gewalttäter, Brandstifter und Terroristen...! Aber machen Sie einen Fehler nicht: Übertragen Sie dieses Positivdenken nicht auf die eigene Gemeinschaft, das eigene Land, oder die eigene Kultur; dies wird Ihnen umgehend von den politisch korrekten Gutmenschen als nicht hinnehmbare Selbstüberhöhung ausgelegt... - "die Guten sind immer die anderen"; dies ist eine Grundregel im politisch korrekten Denken und Handeln. Jetzt müssen Sie nur noch das Denken weglassen.
  • Political correctness was invented for niggers, bitches, fags and retards. AIDS is good because it kills off all those dirty Niggers. All non-"white straight working for the man and having two kids in a nice family with a picket fence and a dog Christian males" should be killed *ahem* Political correctness was brought in for blacks, women, gays and disabled people. People who follow PC should be killed. Black people should die. You are making me self censor myself bitch- *AHEM* Political correctness was introduced for African-Americans, females, homosexuals and mentally or physically challenged persons, to avoid discrim- *AHEM* DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECT HOUND - *no no not the face AHHHHHHHHHH* Now, as I was saying, Political correctness is based on the valid idea protected under principles of a civilized society proposed by progressive elements of society and empathic and sociable interest groups to promote civilized behavior and prevent exclusion towards minorities, disadvantaged members of society, and fellow human beings outside of one's own particular society. This responsible code of conduct prevents offensive or otherwise undesirable projections towards persons of specific demographics. It is slightly more popular than other forms of constrained writing, such as palindromes, omitting the letter "u" from words such as colour, or "your mom" poetry. The most common definition is that it is a form of writing where politically incorrect, also known as the truth, is outlawed. Politically incorrect speech is extremely offensive to minorities, gays, disabled people, and women. The reason for this is because these people know they are the scum of society and can't handle the truth. A bunch of gutless, cowardly liberal politicians, (predominantly Left-wingers), invented Political Correctness (PC for short) in order to win votes and protect people's wussy feelings.