  • Sonia Espinosa
  • Sonia Espinosa is Carlos Espinosa's mother. She came into the Philadelphia Police Station one day, asking Detective Rush to investigate the murder of her son, Carlos, who died of asphyxiation after spray paint was sprayed into his mouth. Back in 1982 (though not shown), Sonia worked three jobs, so she rarely saw Carlos. From her own assumption, she assumed Carlos was a paint huffer. She was none the wiser. She was let off from her job at the time of "Bombers", and couldn't pay for storage. She brought up Carlos' murder when she found his tagging blackbook.
  • Alive
  • Sonia Espinosa
  • Sonia in 2010
  • Sonia Espinosa.JPG
  • Sonia Espinosa is Carlos Espinosa's mother. She came into the Philadelphia Police Station one day, asking Detective Rush to investigate the murder of her son, Carlos, who died of asphyxiation after spray paint was sprayed into his mouth. Back in 1982 (though not shown), Sonia worked three jobs, so she rarely saw Carlos. From her own assumption, she assumed Carlos was a paint huffer. She was none the wiser. He was an artist, and she didn't know that before she unjustly kicked him out of the house, due to him skulking with his paints and stealing money from her purse. She details it as the "biggest mistake she could've ever made". She was let off from her job at the time of "Bombers", and couldn't pay for storage. She brought up Carlos' murder when she found his tagging blackbook. Using a super-close up photo of the tag Carlos did in memory of Leon (his long-deceased best friend who fell off a 13 story rooftop), and the crew eventually found it underground. As her son's murder was solved, Sonia was finally at peace. The episode ends with her putting a flower where he lay dead, and seeing his ghost as he smiled at her and walked away.