  • Desperate Times
  • Desperate Times
  • Desperate times
  • Desperate Times
  • "desperate times", known in Japan as Defense(死守Shishu), is the fourth scenario of Resident Evil Outbreak File 2. It takes place at the Raccoon City Police Department somewhere between September 27 and 28 of 1998.
  • Desperate Times is a multiplayer map for StarCraft: Insurrection. It supports two players.
  • Desperate Times is the 10th mission in inFamous 2.
  • Desperate Times is the second mission in the Smuggler's story arc. The Smuggler will gain this mission from Corso Riggs after saving him from the Separatist ambush. Riggs directs the Smuggler to Viidu, the employer of Riggs and Skavak (formerly).
  • Log Title: Desperate Times Characters: Lieutenant Bludd, Xamot and Tomax Location: Springfield, Shattered Glass Universe
  • Le scénario se déroule dans la nuit du 27 septembre, peu avant les évènements de Resident Evil 2. Au cœur de l'épidémie virale, les survivants trouvent refuge dans le « dernier bastion de la justice », le commissariat de la ville, où d'autres policiers se sont déjà réfugiés. Quand les emblèmes sont regroupés et que le passage est enfin ouvert, Rita se faufile dans les conduits et part chercher de l'aide à l'extérieur de l'enceinte du bâtiment. Ses amis restent derrière et l'attendent.
  • La situación en la ciudad empeoraba a cada momento. Con la esperanza de salir de la ciudad utilizando los antiguos conductos del drenaje del departamento de policía, un grupo de policías en los que destacaban Marvin Branagh, Rita, Kevin Ryman y otros, planeaban la huida de la ciudad enviando a Rita a buscar ayuda. Primero teniendo que encontrar el mecanismo que activaría el conducto, los supervivientes logran encontrar y activar dicho mecanismo. Tras juntar varias armas para repeler a la horda de zombis que se juntaba en la entrada del departamento, Marvin queda gravemente herido y varios de los policías mueren devorados por los zombis. Solo Rita, Kevin y Harry logran escapar. Mientras que Kevin consolaba a Rita diciéndole que unos simples zombis no podrían contra un tipo duro como Marvin,
  • Yoselin could care less now that this was her last stay at the ghetto motel. She felt uneasy throughout the morning. She got into a fight with her brother and things only escalated from there. She softly touched the scar that ran across her cheek and winced at the pain. She immediately closed her eyes shut as recent memories came back to haunt her. One of the men, who was tall with broad shoulders, held up a palm and reassured her that they meant no harm. "We are not here to harm you, Yoselin Garcia." "How do you know my name?"
  • 2
  • Farmer's Market
  • n/a
  • Zombie
  • Corbeaux
  • Cerbères
  • Lickers
  • File:AD gNr062-lNr04 Andrew Ryan - Desperate Times f0454.png
  • File:AD gNr062-lNr04 Andrew Ryan - Desperate Times f0453.png
Nom Japonais
  • 死守 Shishu
  • Ash
  • The crawlspace from outside
perso canon
Nombre del Escenario
  • Desperate Times
Próximo Escenario
  • Commissariat du RPD
scénario précédent
  • Flashback
scénario suivant
  • End of the Road
Escenario Anterior
  • Doctor Suchong, frankly, I'm shocked by your proposal. If we were to modify the structure of our commercial Plasmid line as you propose, to have them make the user vulnerable to mental suggestion through pheromones, would we not be able to effectively control the actions of the citizens of Rapture? Free will is the cornerstone of this city. The thought of sacrificing it is abhorrent. However... we are indeed in a time of war. If Atlas and his bandits have their way, will they not turn us into slaves? And what will become of free will then? Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  • --09-27
  • September 1998
  • Resident Evil Outbreak File 2
  • Desperate Times
  • Resident Evil Outbreak scenario
  • desperate times
  • Optional
  • Andrew Ryan
  • Desperate Times
  • Desperate times.png
  • Scenario
  • 2
  • 256
  • La situación en la ciudad empeoraba a cada momento. Con la esperanza de salir de la ciudad utilizando los antiguos conductos del drenaje del departamento de policía, un grupo de policías en los que destacaban Marvin Branagh, Rita, Kevin Ryman y otros, planeaban la huida de la ciudad enviando a Rita a buscar ayuda. Primero teniendo que encontrar el mecanismo que activaría el conducto, los supervivientes logran encontrar y activar dicho mecanismo. Tras juntar varias armas para repeler a la horda de zombis que se juntaba en la entrada del departamento, Marvin queda gravemente herido y varios de los policías mueren devorados por los zombis. Solo Rita, Kevin y Harry logran escapar. Mientras que Kevin consolaba a Rita diciéndole que unos simples zombis no podrían contra un tipo duro como Marvin, un coche patrulla en el que iban Leon Scott Kennedy y Claire Redfield se dirigían a la comisaria. Tras esto se ve a Marvin refugiándose en la oficina principal, cuyas últimas palabras son "No pienso morir".
  • "desperate times", known in Japan as Defense(死守Shishu), is the fourth scenario of Resident Evil Outbreak File 2. It takes place at the Raccoon City Police Department somewhere between September 27 and 28 of 1998.
  • Le scénario se déroule dans la nuit du 27 septembre, peu avant les évènements de Resident Evil 2. Au cœur de l'épidémie virale, les survivants trouvent refuge dans le « dernier bastion de la justice », le commissariat de la ville, où d'autres policiers se sont déjà réfugiés. Les quelques agents de la paix retranchés entre les murs du commissariat tentent de trouver un moyen de s'enfuir en toute sécurité. Marvin, un officier supérieur expérimenté, sort un vieux plan qui date de l'époque où le commissariat était un musée d'art. Un réseau de conduits et de tunnels abandonnés sous la structure est mis à jour, et Rita, une jeune policière, propose de s'y faufiler. Cependant, l'entrée de ces conduits se trouve sous une statue dotée d'un mécanisme complexe nécessitant cinq emblèmes pour se soulever. Les survivants partent à la recherche des emblèmes afin d'ouvrir le passage pour Rita. Pendant ce temps, Aaron, un autre policier, repousse les zombies dans l'escalier de secours. Tony, lui, part s'occuper des dobermans dans le chenil. Quant à Fred, il garde le toit sécurisé. Quand les emblèmes sont regroupés et que le passage est enfin ouvert, Rita se faufile dans les conduits et part chercher de l'aide à l'extérieur de l'enceinte du bâtiment. Ses amis restent derrière et l'attendent. Assez de temps s'écoule pour que les zombies, nombreux, parviennent à se frayer un chemin entre les barricades entourant le commissariat. Les quelques policiers éparpillés dans la structure se font tous tuer, à l'exception de Marvin qui tient bon. Quand Rita revient enfin à bord d'un fourgon conduit par Harry, les héros parviennent de justesse à monter à bord, mais pas Marvin, qui se sacrifie pour que ses amis puissent s'enfuir en toute sécurité. Rita et Kevin sont les seuls policiers qui survivent à cette nuit.
  • Desperate Times is a multiplayer map for StarCraft: Insurrection. It supports two players.
  • Desperate Times is the 10th mission in inFamous 2.
  • Yoselin could care less now that this was her last stay at the ghetto motel. She felt uneasy throughout the morning. She got into a fight with her brother and things only escalated from there. She softly touched the scar that ran across her cheek and winced at the pain. She immediately closed her eyes shut as recent memories came back to haunt her. Her brother slashed at him with a very sharp blade. She turned away at the pain and was greeted by a punch in the face from a blurred assailant. She fell backward, and as the world spun around her she heard the sound of a grenade going off, but it wasn’t a grenade. She instinctively touched her stomach with the palm of her hand and looked down. She was bleeding. She tried to get back up and was weighed down by the force of gravity. All she heard was the sound of footsteps as she landed back on the cold asphalt. Quick sharp knocks were enough to wake her from the memory. She got up from the bed and walked across the room towards the door. She opened the door and was greeted by three men. She did not know who they were, but she knew they were trouble. Panic surged through her and she looked for a way to escape. One of the men, who was tall with broad shoulders, held up a palm and reassured her that they meant no harm. "We are not here to harm you, Yoselin Garcia." "How do you know my name?" They all stepped into the room without invitation. Mr. Tall and Strong stepped behind Yoselin and placed his hands on her shoulder’s while the other man took out a pocket case. "Thanks to Dr. Catherine Halsey, we can use women like you to become better. A chance to give humanity a new purpose." One of the supposedly ONI agents took out a syringe from the case and squeezed the end piece. The syringe squirted out a clear liquid. Yoselin’s eye’s widened in horror as Mr. Tall and Strong’s grip tightened. Just as the ONI agent was about to stick her, she kicked the man in the balls and he immediately dropped to the floor in pain. She escaped and immediately took a run for it, leaving her work shirt behind in the ONI agent turned assailant arms. She quickly ran down the steps two by two, desperate not to take a look behind her. She dug through her purse and came up with the business card that he gave her. She frantically withdrew her cell phone and dialed the number.
  • Desperate Times is the second mission in the Smuggler's story arc. The Smuggler will gain this mission from Corso Riggs after saving him from the Separatist ambush. Riggs directs the Smuggler to Viidu, the employer of Riggs and Skavak (formerly).
  • Log Title: Desperate Times Characters: Lieutenant Bludd, Xamot and Tomax Location: Springfield, Shattered Glass Universe
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