  • Unwelcome Housewarming Gift
  • by Talula The three women looked around at the mountains of boxes in their new home. Narrow paths wound through piles of belongings. The back wall was completely hidden from view. “We should have got a bigger house,” said Talula, her voice heavy with growing despair. “No,” said Phea, her practicality showing “We’ll be fine. We just need to get things put away.” It was made of tropical woods and was engraved with leaves and flowers in the elven style. A small note was tacked onto the back. It read, “For Qal'Tirrin” Inside the box, wrapped in waxed deer hide, lay a fresh heart.
  • by Talula The three women looked around at the mountains of boxes in their new home. Narrow paths wound through piles of belongings. The back wall was completely hidden from view. “We should have got a bigger house,” said Talula, her voice heavy with growing despair. “No,” said Phea, her practicality showing “We’ll be fine. We just need to get things put away.” They devised a strategy and each one took a different section of their new home to work on. Kya popped in early to lend a hand and Nerrok and Taai came by just in time for the burly orc to help move an enormous oak worktable up to the second floor. By evening, the kitchen table had been cleared and there was enough room for the three tired roommates to sit and rest. Ollie had been in and out all day and, figuring they would be too tired, dropped off dinner for her new neighbors before heading to a card game at the tavern. “This is going to work out just fine,” said Krelle. “We won’t need the closet to the Nether realms after all.” Phea smiled at that and Talula nodded in agreement as she looked around at the rest of their unpacked possessions. Her eyes came to rest on an ornate box just inside the door. “That’s pretty,” the gnome said, gesturing at it with her fork. “Who does it belong to?” Krelle and Phea said “Not me” at the same time. Talula got up from her chair and picked it up. It was made of tropical woods and was engraved with leaves and flowers in the elven style. A small note was tacked onto the back. It read, “For Qal'Tirrin” “Who’s Qal'Tirrin?” Talula asked. The name didn’t strike an immediate chord with either of her roommates. Krelle’s keen nose caught the scent first and her smile dropped away. “You smell that?” Phea and Lu leaned closer, inhaling. The coppery odor was unmistakable. “Blood?” asked the mage and Talula nodded grimly. “Smells human,” said the Foresaken woman. The three exchanged a look and Krelle reached forward and lifted the lid. Inside the box, wrapped in waxed deer hide, lay a fresh heart.