  • Seylenn
  • Seylenn is the capital, and most-populous city of Seylenn Isle. Seylenn is the most fareastern city on this Earth, further east even than Kingtonne. Seylenn was founded by Pyanjen, a fareastern kingdom that through magicks had managed to resist the oncoming Kaathi hordes. Pyanjen, using persuasive magicks, managed to convert the natives to their faith. This was no easy feat; the natives had been wild Illicatishmen, dyeing their hair all sorts of colors, wearing nothing but loincloths and animal pelts, and conversing among the longmen as though they were equals. However, this great feat was accomplished.
  • Seylenn is the capital, and most-populous city of Seylenn Isle. Seylenn is the most fareastern city on this Earth, further east even than Kingtonne. Seylenn was founded by Pyanjen, a fareastern kingdom that through magicks had managed to resist the oncoming Kaathi hordes. Pyanjen, using persuasive magicks, managed to convert the natives to their faith. This was no easy feat; the natives had been wild Illicatishmen, dyeing their hair all sorts of colors, wearing nothing but loincloths and animal pelts, and conversing among the longmen as though they were equals. However, this great feat was accomplished. Shortly thereafter, Pyanjen was undone by the Oporish Magicks Guild, and the Slayers' Guild through the use of sacrificial magicks. The strange multi-ethnic, and sexually open culture of Pyanjen survived only through Seylenn. The Prince of Seylenn is the leader of Seylenn. Seylenn did not know for eighty years that Pyanjen had fallen. Prince Pyunees, the first recorded Prince of Seylenn, set about to find out. It is said his corpse was eaten by giant crawling krakens. Princess Jayain began an isolationist policy shortly after her father's death, and aside from looking to Farrolenn (specifically the city of Myar) for news, and a small bit of trade, Seylenn has kept to itself for 300 years. Seylenn holds slavery to be an abomination, although what exactly constitutes slavery is unclear. Forced servitude is distinct from slavery in their eyes. Seylenn is built on a deep natural harbor, which is also the mouth of Seylenn's largest river, the River Seasnake or Zorkmo Wuise in the Longman's Tongue. Longmen walk among the common folk here, are treated as kin, occasionally as pets, sometimes as superiors. Only the clergy bars longmen from joining them. "No Longman Shall Ever Wear an Orange Mask!" is a common chant among the Order of Orange Vyzards, led by the Grand Vyzard. The vyzards despise longmen, seeing them as filthy beastlings, straddling a line between human, and monster. They are priests, and like the Anasi-Anasi, and Grey Priests, hold sex to be a form of worship, hold boyfucking, and girlfucking, and bothfucking to be beautiful. They hold sexes to be unclear, and have been blessed (cursed, dispute the Oporish) with a large population of threeeyes. They themselves frequently become vyzards. For many years, the Seylenners have suffered raids at the hands of men from the Dragon Kingdoms. The Oporosi Mark has made itself known on Seylenn. However, due to its isolationist policies, the Seylenners have ignorantly called them "Black Sphinxes" for all their history, not bothering to learn Oporosi. Until only just 130 years ago, that's all the Oporish were to them.