  • Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Mini Vocal Album ~Cocona~
  • Compilation album containing all of the songs from the Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Cocona ~Two Songs, Two Feelings and albums, while at the same time expanding them into full-versions and removing all of the sound effects and voices that previously made impossible listen to them alone, and at the same time, it's the last music-centric album released for the Ar tonelico series so far.
  • Compilation album containing all of the songs from the Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Cocona ~Two Songs, Two Feelings and albums, while at the same time expanding them into full-versions and removing all of the sound effects and voices that previously made impossible listen to them alone, and at the same time, it's the last music-centric album released for the Ar tonelico series so far.
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