  • Hamato Splinter (MNT Gaiden)
  • Mutant Ninja Turtles Gaiden takes place in an alternate universe branching off Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 1, and Splinter's backstory is the same as his Mirage counterpart up to shortly before the City at War arc when his sons were 17 years old.
  • the future
  • Splinter Hamato
  • Mutant Rat
  • Mutant Ninja Turtles Gaiden
  • Male
  • Tigerfog
  • Mutant Ninja Turtles Gaiden takes place in an alternate universe branching off Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 1, and Splinter's backstory is the same as his Mirage counterpart up to shortly before the City at War arc when his sons were 17 years old. In thePrologue, Splinter receives a postal package addressed to his long-dead master Hamato Yoshi. The package contains an old katana wrapped in a shroud. Splinter reads the enclosed scroll and leaves the package's contents in his room. He greets his sons Leonardo and Raphael, who have just returned home from the surface, and asks Raphael about his "stroll." But Raph had lied to his father and picked a battle with street thugs, and Leo caught him. Raphael tries to continue his lie, but Leonardo tells Splinter the truth, infuriating Raph. Splinter punishes Raphael by forbidding him from surfacing for the rest of the month. Shortly after, Splinter starts instructing Leonardo in a new spiritual technique, but is interrupted by a Shell Cell call from Donatello, who asks Splinter for the favor of acquiring and bringing home some spare parts. When Splinter returns home with Donatello's spare parts, he is horrified to find that his sons have retrieved the sword from his room and are trying to kill each other with it. Recognizing the sword as cursed, Splinter unsuccessfully tries to get Leonardo to drop the sword, but then realizes this is no longer possible. Recalling the package's enclosed scroll, Splinter explains that the curse can be neutralized by forcing the curse into someone's body and then killing them an object corrupted by it. He forces the curse into his own body, and commands Leonardo to use the cursed sword to kill him, which his son very reluctantly does. Splinter catches fire, and both he and the sword are destroyed and reduced to a pile of ashes. Splinter's death was very traumatizing to his sons, and did not love to see them spend the next 17 years mostly failing to deal with their severe psychological scars. Splinter was not alive during this alternate universe's version of the City at War incident, nor did he see his surrogate daughter April O'Neil marry Casey Jones, and he never met his granddaughter Shadow Jones or Raphael's new mutant turtle student Renoir. In Chapter 18:A Little Deeper in Donatello's World and Chapter 19:Fragments of Truth Inside His Mind, the reader learns that Splinter was later cloned by his son Donatello in his secret cloning lab none of his family knows about, but that this clone was flawed and did not survive. The increasingly mentally ill Donatello kept the clone's skeleton, hallucinating that it was his real Master Splinter who was continuing to give him orders. Donatello clones himself again and again (delusionally believing the clones are his hated brother Leo) in an attempt to improve the quality of his cloning technology in the hopes of finally creating a normal, healthy Splinter clone.