  • Flotsam brothel
  • Several bedrooms are clearly designated for the brothel's business, judging by their fancy red-themed furnishings and dim lighting. One of these is also the office of the madam, Margot; the closed, warmly-lit hallway outside of her room is the main 'selection' area where transactions are initiated. The four or five whores Geralt can't hire all have randomly determined names, and all have longer dark or dark-red hair (one elf model and two humans).
  • Several bedrooms are clearly designated for the brothel's business, judging by their fancy red-themed furnishings and dim lighting. One of these is also the office of the madam, Margot; the closed, warmly-lit hallway outside of her room is the main 'selection' area where transactions are initiated. Margot is not for hire but will engage in conversation and is peripherally involved in a couple of quests; several of her employees are also unavailable. The whores Geralt can hire at any time number three or four: Arnesse and Julia are always conversing just on the left as you enter the main door, and a third randomly-named woman in a red cap (smaller than Arnesse's) - there is sometimes a pair of this last model, usually with a different name for each. The four or five whores Geralt can't hire all have randomly determined names, and all have longer dark or dark-red hair (one elf model and two humans). The larger room on the upper floor of the inn also appears to be part of the brothel, owing to the same style of furnishings and presence of one or more ladies in typical attire: one standing on the balcony overlooking the town square, others sleeping inside while not on duty. (And also owing to the presence of Derae and/or Margot towards the end of the chapter.)
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