  • Lucky You ( TV series)
  • Lucky You is an American teen drama mystery-thriller television series based on the bullying issues acoss the United States. The show premieres next spring on NBC. Though not much information on the show has been realesed rumors fly about the cast. Ecspecialy lots of new names " Kelsee McKee" an american actress . " Austin Daves " an american actor , and " Jae Dailey " an american actress . Rumors also about " Betty White " guest appearencing . The shows about a teenage girl " Amanda Clark " like any teenage girl is having trouble finding who she is. But she has a secret . Shes in the whitness protection program and has to watch out for people who want her dead . So she has to come up with a new her so she cant be caught .
  • Unverifiable
  • 20120704100013
  • Lucky You is an American teen drama mystery-thriller television series based on the bullying issues acoss the United States. The show premieres next spring on NBC. Though not much information on the show has been realesed rumors fly about the cast. Ecspecialy lots of new names " Kelsee McKee" an american actress . " Austin Daves " an american actor , and " Jae Dailey " an american actress . Rumors also about " Betty White " guest appearencing . The shows about a teenage girl " Amanda Clark " like any teenage girl is having trouble finding who she is. But she has a secret . Shes in the whitness protection program and has to watch out for people who want her dead . So she has to come up with a new her so she cant be caught .