  • Pugbat
  • Flying non-mammalian cynodonts, pugbats are nocturnal pack hunters specializing in taking down large prey. Families of up to 15 adults and their young nest in hollow trunks and sheltered hollows created by fallen trees on the edges of the lowland plains, emerging at sundown to hunt in the half-light before full dark. Dozing grazers, such as Ferrucutus, in the open lands are their primary prey. Few prey Animals voluntarily seek conflict with the pugnacious little flyers.
  • Flying non-mammalian cynodonts, pugbats are nocturnal pack hunters specializing in taking down large prey. Families of up to 15 adults and their young nest in hollow trunks and sheltered hollows created by fallen trees on the edges of the lowland plains, emerging at sundown to hunt in the half-light before full dark. Dozing grazers, such as Ferrucutus, in the open lands are their primary prey. Spooking the herd with eerie calls, the pack will swoop down en masse on young or sick individuals they have isolated amid the throng, instinctively aiming for the throat and stomach, where thinner skin grants access to more blood vessels. Ferocious bacteria in the pugbats’ saliva can bring on spontaneous coronary shock in prey, dying of heart failure in a matter of minutes after being savaged. Few prey Animals voluntarily seek conflict with the pugnacious little flyers.