  • Astrophysicist
  • An Astrophysicist is a Scientist who deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition) of celestial objects such as galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, and the interstellar medium, as well as their interactions.
  • An astrophysicist was a scientist who specialized in the field of astrophysics, which combines elements of physics and astronomy.
  • Astrophysicist Innate * +10 Starship Operations Training
  • An astrophysicist was a duty assignment aboard Federation starship's in the 23rd and 24th centuries. An astrophysicist was an expert in astrophysics and was assigned to the stellar cartography department. (ST game: Starship Creator).
  • An astrophysicist was someone who studied spatial physics and astronomy. The job usually required a high amount of education prior to commencing a career in astrophysics, particularly in the physical sciences. The Extragalactic Society hired numerous astrophysicists, including Danni Quee.
  • Space Trait.
  • Improves your operations stat, which enhances ship deflector, emitter and sensors abilities.
  • Innate
  • *+10 Starship Operations Training
  • An Astrophysicist is a Scientist who deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition) of celestial objects such as galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, and the interstellar medium, as well as their interactions.
  • An astrophysicist was a scientist who specialized in the field of astrophysics, which combines elements of physics and astronomy.
  • An astrophysicist was someone who studied spatial physics and astronomy. The job usually required a high amount of education prior to commencing a career in astrophysics, particularly in the physical sciences. The Extragalactic Society hired numerous astrophysicists, including Danni Quee. Warning: The following section is non-canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. It contains information explicitly released under the Infinities brand and/or confirmed to be non-canon by the author or Lucasfilm. Information exclusive to this section did not happen in the "proper" Star Wars Legends continuity. Regalia Sub-space station-12 director mOKDAR 15 was a member of the Society for the Refusal of Astrophysics, an anti-astrophysics association that produced monthly publications. Non-canon information ends here.
  • Astrophysicist Innate * +10 Starship Operations Training
  • An astrophysicist was a duty assignment aboard Federation starship's in the 23rd and 24th centuries. An astrophysicist was an expert in astrophysics and was assigned to the stellar cartography department. (ST game: Starship Creator).
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