  • Hexoatl
  • Hexoatl is the northernmost of temple-cities, located on the Isthmus of Pahuax. It is Lustria’s first line of defence against invaders from the north. Two hundred miles to the north of the city can be found the Grey Guardians, a sentient mountain range created by the city’s ruler — Lord Mazdamundi - with a single mighty thought. He raised them to block the path of an oncoming Dark Elf army that threatened to overwhelm the City of the Sun and the tactic proved so effective that the powerful Mage-Priest has made the enchantment permanent.
  • Hexoatl is the northernmost of temple-cities, located on the Isthmus of Pahuax. It is Lustria’s first line of defence against invaders from the north. Two hundred miles to the north of the city can be found the Grey Guardians, a sentient mountain range created by the city’s ruler — Lord Mazdamundi - with a single mighty thought. He raised them to block the path of an oncoming Dark Elf army that threatened to overwhelm the City of the Sun and the tactic proved so effective that the powerful Mage-Priest has made the enchantment permanent. Throughout its history, the Isthmus of Pahuax has been a frequent landfall for warmbloods who survive the journey across the Great Ocean. All of the intruders’ settlements have been abolished, save only for Skeggi, whose occupants have, on the whole, proven wise enough to avoid conflict with Mazdamundi’s armies. Hexoatl is understandably the most martial of temple-cities. It is encircled not just by jungle but also high walls, upon which stand many towers. Serried ranks of Saurus and Temple Guard march down its wide avenues, and Skink patrols, reinforced by whole herds of Stegadons, sweep the surrounding land for hundreds of miles around to ensure any threat is stopped before it can reach Hexoatl.