  • Kas Shadoul
  • Ramlond (Sin. 'Walled Haven'), aka Kas Shadoul (Har. 'The Echoing Castle'), Abârloni (Ad.). Pop. 19,000. The largest settlement on the southern bank of the Ethir Harnen, it was a major port city and greatly admired by sailors around Middle-earth, so named for the 50 ft. high wall that surrounded the lower city & harbour, known as 'Pharazon's Wall'. Founded in 2281 SA by Tar-Ancalimon.During the last millennium of the Third Age, a prison was built in Ramlond to house men sentenced to the galleys. Among the Haruze prisoners it came to be known as "Kas Shadoul," because of the great echoing passage every man had to walk down to get to the galleys. The name eventually became associated with the whole town and the Haruze ceased to call it by its proper name.
  • Ramlond (Sin. 'Walled Haven'), aka Kas Shadoul (Har. 'The Echoing Castle'), Abârloni (Ad.). Pop. 19,000. The largest settlement on the southern bank of the Ethir Harnen, it was a major port city and greatly admired by sailors around Middle-earth, so named for the 50 ft. high wall that surrounded the lower city & harbour, known as 'Pharazon's Wall'. Founded in 2281 SA by Tar-Ancalimon.During the last millennium of the Third Age, a prison was built in Ramlond to house men sentenced to the galleys. Among the Haruze prisoners it came to be known as "Kas Shadoul," because of the great echoing passage every man had to walk down to get to the galleys. The name eventually became associated with the whole town and the Haruze ceased to call it by its proper name.