  • SW1ki:Votes for deletion
  • The rules work like Wikipedia's VFD process. Only after a consensus is reached, can an article up for deletion be: * Kept * Deleted * Merged and/or redirected to an existing article * Sent to cleanup Please put all new submissions at the bottom of its respective month. To do so, type {{vfdpage|[article to be deleted]}} and then create a page titled Wookieepedia:Votes for deletion/[article to be deleted].
  • The rules work like Wikipedia's VFD process. Only after a consensus is reached, can an article up for deletion be: * Kept * Deleted * Merged and/or redirected to an existing article * Sent to cleanup Please put all new submissions at the bottom of its respective month. To do so, type {{vfdpage|[article to be deleted]}} and then create a page titled Wookieepedia:Votes for deletion/[article to be deleted]. On the VFD pages themselves, please provide a link to the page that is in question, as so: ==[[page to delete]]==, then put the sections ===Keep===, ===Delete=== and ===Comments=== below it.