  • Bed, Pediatric
  • A motorized, electronic bed is a piece of furniture used as a place to sleep, and as a primary place for overnight hospitalized stay for a pediatic (child) patient. Beds usually consist of a mattress placed on top of a box spring Inner-sprung Base. The box spring is a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs that provide additional support and suspension for the mattress. The box spring will typically lie on a bed frame(which lifts the mattress/mattress-box spring off the ground) or on slats (usually made of 2" x 4" wood).
  • A motorized, electronic bed is a piece of furniture used as a place to sleep, and as a primary place for overnight hospitalized stay for a pediatic (child) patient. Beds usually consist of a mattress placed on top of a box spring Inner-sprung Base. The box spring is a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs that provide additional support and suspension for the mattress. The box spring will typically lie on a bed frame(which lifts the mattress/mattress-box spring off the ground) or on slats (usually made of 2" x 4" wood). A "headboard", "side rails", and "footboard" or "front rail" will complete the bed. "Headboard only" beds often incorporate a dust ruffle, bed skirt, or valance sheet to hide the bed frame. For greater head support, most people use a pillow, placed at the top of a mattress. Also used is some form of covering blanket to insulate the sleeper, often bed sheets, a quilt, or a duvet.