  • Interview students and staff
  • From: [[]] The University is blessed with bystanders. Of course, nobody saw what happened in the Cogitation Chamber, but that's no reason not to talk to them. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A complex picture
Failure title
  • Off watching the cricket
  • 104
Failure description
  • Why did there have to be a cricket match on the day of the murder? Nobody saw anything. Will you ever solve this d--nable case?
From Card/Storylet title
  • Investigations in the university
Success description
  • Nobody saw the murder itself, but you are gradually discovering who was frequenting the Department of _______ at the time, and why. It's slow going, but that is the detective's lot.
  • The University is blessed with bystanders. Of course, nobody saw what happened in the Cogitation Chamber, but that's no reason not to talk to them.
  • From: [[]] The University is blessed with bystanders. Of course, nobody saw what happened in the Cogitation Chamber, but that's no reason not to talk to them. [Find the rest of the story at ]