  • Belbua's Diary
  • Belbua's Diary is a tattered old diary found on Belbua's Farm.Double-click to read.
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  • Belbua is Missing
  • white
  • 182200524
  • Month 5, Day 13 I am finished now. They finally found the land registration certificate. Now that they have it, they don't have any reason to keep me alive. They gather, and speak in whispers. They must be discussing what to do with me. Hasn't Manos noticed that something happened to me? My life is over...
  • Month 5, Day 6 I saw some strangers wandering about the farm yesterday. Are they crop thieves? I'd better go see Manos in the Fortress, and ask Spatalos to dispatch some Guardians. If I leave early tomorrow morning, I can get back before sunset.
  • Month 5, Day 9 These Thieves and Peons have kept me locked up for three days. They weren't after just the crops, but the whole farm! I wish I'd done something when I first saw them hanging around--I've only got myself to blame for this situation. Manos must have received my letter by now. I'm sure he'll notice that I'm late, and send someone to the farm. He's my only hope.
  • Month 5, Day 5 Eradis is whining because the pumpkins are late this year. I guess he bragged that he'd design a new dish or whatever, but didn't have all the ingredients. I received a letter from my brother Manos this morning. He's never trusted Shugo mail, so he gave it to Gano to drop off. Manos wrote that his health has been bad lately, and he's having trouble getting about. I replied, promising to visit him soon with some healing herbs.
  • Month 5, Day 10 They mention the name "Lephar" a lot when they talk. They call him "Lord" and speak reverently of him, so I guess he must be their boss. No one has come from the Verteron Citadel yet. I sure hope my brother doesn't just think I forgot to visit him...
  • Belbua's Diary
  • Quest Item
  • A tattered old diary found on Belbua's Farm. Double-click to read.
  • 5
  • 1
  • 1
  • Belbua's Diary is a tattered old diary found on Belbua's Farm.Double-click to read.