  • Toa Inika/Toa Mahri (History)
  • At the current point in the storyline, the team has been transformed into aquatic, water-breathing forms known as Toa Mahri. This name is based on the undersea city of Mahri Nui, and was in fact given to the Toa by the inhabitants to honour their willingness to defend the city. They have since returned to being air-breathers and Metru Nui relaxing after their journey.
  • At the current point in the storyline, the team has been transformed into aquatic, water-breathing forms known as Toa Mahri. This name is based on the undersea city of Mahri Nui, and was in fact given to the Toa by the inhabitants to honour their willingness to defend the city. They have since returned to being air-breathers and Metru Nui relaxing after their journey.