  • Caravan Qurilta
  • Caravan Qurilta (pronounced kihr-ILL-tah) once traveled through Aliput. They had just lost their caravan-master and three guards in a rockslide. However they didn't wear their normal mourning clothes in scarlet because all-scarlet clothes stand for disease in the house there. Thus the members of the caravan wore scarlet headbands and armbands for a year. Lark traveled with them at that time.
  • Caravan Qurilta (pronounced kihr-ILL-tah) once traveled through Aliput. They had just lost their caravan-master and three guards in a rockslide. However they didn't wear their normal mourning clothes in scarlet because all-scarlet clothes stand for disease in the house there. Thus the members of the caravan wore scarlet headbands and armbands for a year. Lark traveled with them at that time.